Friday, 31 December 2010

bye bye 2010!!!

last post of 2010. what a year!

wishing you all a happy new year :)


Tuesday, 28 December 2010

On the search for...a hard case purse

ASOS | ASOS Red Patent Hard Case Purse at ASOS

***Click link above for a visual aid!***

I need a new purse for my new Zara bag. And I thought that a hard case purse would be a good idea. I don't necessarily need a small purse; what I need is a thin purse and this fits the bill right?

What do you think of the colour ? Asos have a few colour ways; full price options are £16 and the sale options are £8 which is reasonable since I really really want one!

[Edit: I just searched 'hard case purse' on ebay and price wise the asos sale and full price are good prices. However, one of the ebay listings also handily gave the dimensions so I took my tape measure to my purse* and it's the bloody same size!!! (Not sure about depth but my purse is quite thin already.....what to do what to do]

*I usually use the Louis Vuitton zippy purse but that obviously is toooo big so I switched to the Sarah (plain) and it's a better fit but not perfect.

Conclusion? I will stick with the Sarah. SInce the dimensions are so close it's not worth buying a new purse for one bloody bag. And plus, I'm saving for a LV card holder. Cos I'm sad like that!

Hi..I'm Heidi the bag lady


So last night I was practising doing the 'heidi hair style' which is basically two hair pigtails pulled across my head and pinned and I showcased it today (at Tesco's and Wilkinsons). I also took out my new handbag that I got in the sales in Zara that I loved even though it's totally unpractical for a bag lady like myself. Also showcasing my Gap parka jacket in these pictures. I was not sure about buying this as it's not 'my style' but since I've brought it I've worn it to death. Hope you like!!

(oh great! upside down photo, even worse than to the side...sorry!!)

(Thats my bag and everything that doesnt fit. As you can see my make up bag is the same size as the handbag so that was never going to work was it? Oh well. The only thing in my bag is my purse and vaseline and oyster card)

That's all from me for now. I've got a feel haul's to do that I've been accumulating over Decemeber but I might do them as outfit of the days cos it's a bit more interesting...i think?

Anyway, ta ra for now!


Christmas Take 1 and 2

Hello everyone!
How is everyone post Christmas 2010? I had 2 Christmases, 1 with my brother and mum (at their house), and another with my mum and dad (at penny palace), as my little brother was flying off to the Philipines.

My outfit theme was green and red. And I wore my antlers too up until bedtime. I wish I could wear antlers or the like all year round!

I was all stressy stressy about the foodage but bless my parents
turned up with everything cooked!!

And the best bit was them doing the washing up and cleaning afterwards!!! They even washed my oven and rearranged the cupboards (which admittedly pissed me off but it's def tidier now)

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas xoxo

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Merry Christmas!

Hi guys,

Just a quick post to wish you and your loved ones a very merry

Hope you have/had a fantastic day


Sunday, 19 December 2010

More random stuff..

My new hair length :( I miss my hair a lot.

My other new found joy in Sutton....Primark! I went on Thursday night because I was doing my secret santa shop. (I got the present from Next, Primark was my treat lol). And no, I did not buy this dress. I wanted to, but it's a bit...dotty.

Yesterday was my last Saturday shift!!! And this was my last lunch. The mushy peas was a baaaaaad idea.

Random stuff....

Me and my friend at a christmas party. We are being tigers....yeah.

A salad plate at pizza hut. Look at my skill!!! It's more like a salad bucket :)

My shite padana pizza express romana with pepporoni. (My fav pizza express topping but this one was so badly made).

The first thing I saw when I came out of Sutton station! I heart chicken wings :)

Me on the train on my first day to the 'new' job.

Christmas lunch 17th Dec

Had a work christmas lunch on the snowy friday 17th. Was a lovely christmas lunch.

Monday, 13 December 2010


Hello guys!

Hope you've been well and the new week has started off good. Can u
believe its nearly christmas?!

So today was the start of my second week at the new job and the first
day that i didnt have my 'brain tumour' pain. Looks like i will live
to see 2011!

And look at me, its 9.30pm and im not zzzzzzzz!! This is def a one off
though but it feels strangely satisfying to be up past 8pm lol
hopefully i wont regret it in the AM!

Sorry i didnt blog on sunday as promised, too lazy! My bed felt
goooood! And i even managed to do some (much needed) housework. Next
thing on my 'get a life' list is to see my dear friends! I miss them
all so much.

Well, i dont want to over do it so sweetdreams everyone xoxo

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Food, hair and poundland

Hey guys!

Hope you all had a nice day. I'm feeling much better today; only a
small headache and coughing much less (nose starting to run though so
looks like a cold is coming my way).

I forgot to say yesterday but i found poundland!!!! Not too far from
my building and so im now stocked up with diet pepsi :) and even
though i didnt get to venture that far, it even has a second floor!!!
How fancy is that?! Cannot wait to do some exploring

A reliable source tells me there is definitely a primark in the
Area but its quite far from the building so probably not a lunchtime
trip. I should check online for the closing time and see if i can go
after work and still catch decent trains home; though if i did get
stranded i'd just sleep/freeze on a bench and at least i wouldnt have
to wake up at 5am!!!

Ive had three lunches so far: nandos x2 and a padana at pizza express.
Purse waist purse waist purse
Waist... Salad all next week! (yeah right!!) Saying that though, i
weighed myself this Morning and ive lost weight! Looks like 2 meals a
day and the travelling is doing me good.

My hair is ok. Im suffering from phantom hair syndrome though and its
quite distressing. I keep flicking and trying to chew on imaginery
hair and twirling air. I never realised i was such a hair toucher
before but now realised it was a security blanket. I want you back

Im definitely ok with the journey in now, i think that even if there
was a delay or diversion i would be ok. Ive so frigging jinxed myself
now!!! But anyway, on the way home ive taken different routes and left
at different times so still need practice/tour guide.

So thats my update for today! Apologies for all the boring updates but
im sure you appreciate the fact that i only have 30-45mins between
getting home and my bedtime.

Hopefully after a few weeks i'll be able to start some semblance of a
Life; i might even extend my bedtime til 8.30pm ;)

Sweetdreams everyone x

Tuesday, 7 December 2010


Hey guys!

Omg I am a zombie. Is there any way to save me?!

The day started off good. Woke up with a banging head but put it down
to the previous long day. Took some meds and got on with it. Did the
journey well by myself and was feeling ok enough.

But bwoy by lunch time I was the bear with the sorest head. Ended up
leaving just before 4pm. My other problem is that I've got my
bronchitis playing up which is no biggie but cos of the head everytime
I cough (which is often) my brain feels like its gonna shoot out my

Skipping dinner and just having a hot drink before bed. Hopefully I'm
feeling better by the morning :(

Only an hour til my respectable 8pm bedtime :)

Hope you all had a better day then i did xoxo

Monday, 6 December 2010

Me and my blog

10minutes left to kill so i'm on a blog roll! (ps I did take pics of
Sutton but I'll probably stick em up on Sunday when I have the energy
to turny laptop on. Nothing excited though so don't get your hopes up.)

So people at work think it's funny I keep a blog and are asking what
it's about.

Answer? I don't know. It's not really about anything. Just me and
stuff. I find it theraputic and I enjoy it. I guess blogging is a
hobby (apart from when doing a challenge and then admittedly it's a
bit of a chore).

I'm not too bothered if noone reads it, though I'm very grateful to my
readers and hope people do enjoy it. It's more for me and I like that
one day I can look back at this and laugh at my vain overdramatic self.

Sometime (most times) it's embarrassing to say I am a blogger. It
seems very self involved and pretentious at times (though some people
may say that describes me well!) but oh well!

So what do I blog about? ...everything and anything! I blog about how
I feel, my experiences, clothes and shoes and nail varnish. I blog
about celebrity crushes and the crap movies I watch. I blog about
food I ate and want to eat. I blog about dreams and disappointments.

[edited: some contents had to be deleted]

Light at the end of the tunnel

Ok, so 7pm is way too early to sleep. I'm already in bed but gonna try
kill the time til 8pm which is much more reasonable I think.

Today was interesting because my commute (holy feck I am a
commuter!!) takes me through new cross and that's where I went to uni.

My journey today literally highlighted how far I've come since
(finally) graduating. Being sat at new cross station (on the train
waiting for it to get a move on) was a bit nervy. I was scared someone
would hassle me for work or make me sit an exam but thank god the
train pulled out before that happened!

But seriously, my life has changed so much the last few years (thank
bloody god!!!) and I felt happy with myself.
Smug much?! No. It's just about being able to appreciate life and the
ups and downs and being happy with my lot. I never imagined that I
would be this happy now.

So hopefully the job will be better than my uni experience(s) lmao. It
couldn't be worse could it?! Could it?!
Duh duh duuuum *evil music*

1st day ramble

Waiting for the bus to the station. Normally I would need to leave
much earlier but for the first few jouneys my kind colleague B is
diverting from his usual journey and meeting me at Stratford.

The bus stop is packed...bus is packed, had to wait for another one.

...on the tube now! So bloody busy but I managed to get a seat. I'm so
I ate dinner at 3pm yesterday. All I have is a bottle of diet coke
today to keep me going until lunchtime. I don't think there is a
trolley lady at Sutton :(

Outfit wise I'm feeling good. Similiar to
Birthday outfit but with mustard cardigan under a black one. Ear muffs
Not as warm as furry trapper but still great (a steal at '3 - an
theyre heart shaped :))

Did my hair for the first time since haircut. I think I'll survive
this setback(!) but the thing that has really pissed me off is the
fact that having shorter hair hasn't sped up the getting ready process
at all. In fact, it's taking me longer to do my hair argh!!!

[pissed off, just lost part of my entry but as I was saying...]

...on the way home now. Totally knackered but couldn't of had a better
first day.

The journey into work was fine (B said it was the best he'd ever had)
so hopefully tomorrow will be good too.

The people I work with are lovely so I'm very happy about that. And
Sutton is a cool area; plenty of shops and eating places. And most
importantly, there's a skanky chicken shop opposite the station!

My next mission is to find primark and poundland, wish me luck ;)

I definitely need to become more organised in terms of foodage though,
I cannot afford to eat out for breakfast, lunch an dinner. Purse and
waistline can't take it!!! But can I really wake up even earlier to
prepare breakfast and lunch? And does that mean sandwiches for the
next however many months?! I feel sick thinking of all that bread :(

Maybe now would be a good time to start a diet? ...nah!!

Ok I'm indoors now. Woke up at 5:30
and been out the house since 7:20am so even though it's just gone 7pm
and i last ate at 12:30pm I am going straight to bed!!

So Sweetdreams and goodnight to you all zzzzzzz

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Prep for 1st day at work

Hi Guys,

I'm planning to wake up at 5am tomorrow, or 5:30am at the latest so I'm going to start my prep now.

I've already put some conditioner into my hair (dry) and I will leave it to wash out in the morning (not as intense as olive oil but easier to wash out). I might have lost my mane but hopefully what/s left will look and smell nice. Please pray for dry weather, frizz makes me all shy.

So for the rest of the evening I need to iron some outfit choices and pack my handbag. I always need to pack a bag of 'stuff' that I can leave at work.

Unfortunately, I won't have a pedestal for my junk or a locker, I think it's going to be a chuck it in a corner type thing. The 'stuff' I need to take are: heels, cup, make up supplies, and then work stuff like my folder and pink highlighters.

Outfit wise....I was told that as we're all crammed in a room it's pretty hot so I'm not too sure what to wear as I have to consider being warm enough for the journey. I don't know if I will be spending a lot of time on freezing cold train platforms or not. I was thinking of wearing a dress, and boots (change into heels at work) and two thin cardigans so that I can take one off in the office. Weird? Practical?

Ok, ironing time!

Animal/leopard Print Oyster card holder

To prepare myself for my 'new' job and the travelling I brought myself a new oyster card holder. The one I was using before was fantastic but it was about 5 years old and was tatty and falling apart so definitely time for a new one!

(For those interested, my old one was a baby pink leather envelope shape (but oyster card sized!) holder with a keyring attachment. It was fantastic. RIP!)

So here is my new one, courtesy of ebay. It was £2.99 plus 0.70p p+p, not quite a bargain but I do love it. Seller was 'straydecor', great comms and fast delivery. And loads of other designs if leopard print doesn't do it for you :)


Sh*t Chop


OMG how could I forget! I GOT MY HAIRCUT!!!!

And shock horor I hate it :(

There was no discussion or fanfare because it was just a last minute thing. I had been meaning to get a trim but this Sutton thing pushed my hand and I just thought "I have to do it NOW or else I won't get to a hairdresser til mid 2011 by which time my dry hay hair might spontaneously combust!"

So I booked an appointment for the opticians and hairdressers for Saturday but because I did it Thursday I didn't have time to cancel when I got ill so I had to traipse out like a right minger.

NEVER EVER go get your haircut when you are looking and feeling like shit because you will end up with shit hair. And plus I had no make up on and my glasses on (because basically everytime i go to the opticians they complain about my lil eyes and the amount of eye make up I wear and they asked that I wore no eye make up and no contact lenses). So whilst my mane was being butchered I couldnt even see (which is a saving grace at least I didn't cry til I got home).

And don't get me wrong, I love my hairdresser, she is good and she is nice, but she didn't give me what I wanted. And it's really messed up everything and I am so ARGH! :(

I wanted to go into my new role on Monday feeling nice and swishy and now I won't. I will take a pic and post it asap. I just hate the shape. And she fucking totally screwed up the shape that took me about 5 fucking years to achieve.

I hate paying for a haircut when I have to spend the next decade crying and moaning about it.


The 'new' job

Hey guys!

So I start my 'new' job tomorrow. 'New' is in quote signs because it's not quite new....

Basically, i'm with the same company but I'll be temporarily joining a taskforce, which will be based in Sutton..!!!

Jobwise per usual I can't say what I'll be doing, but I think it will be a challenge and I'm really looking forward to it. Everyone on the team is from my original place of work so I will know all the faces and most of their names so I'm not too nervous about being the 'new' girl.

This has all happened very fast, I applied on Wednesday and got the good news on Friday. And then I was off for birthday Mon-Wednesday and Thursday and Friday I was in training. So within a week my work life just totally flipped.

With the role I was in before, I was in a team of 3 (myself and 2 managers) so I am looking forward to being in a bigger team (and with other females too!). Hopefully I will find myself a lunch buddy. I might use the next few months to detox though.....KMT I'm sure I will locate the nearest KFC by Tuesday ;)

The only con about the job is the commuting but people do it all the time so I'm just gonna try to chillax. For my first day a colleague is kindly meeting me in the morning and doing the whole journey with me. Hopefully I don't totally freak out. I will need to stock up on rescue remedy (which doesn't really work for me but damn it's addictive!) It is going to be tough for me; I've got it quite cushy at the moment but with this job I'll be out the house 7am-7pm, maybe even 8pm :( Unfortunately, because of this I've had to give up my Saturday job :( So that's another change for me! As I type this I've got 2 shifts to work (my technical last shift is Christmas day but I don't think I'll be expected to be there....).

So please wish me luck. Especially with the travelling bit! I will update you once I find my feet and the KFC.


Saturday, 4 December 2010

Day 30 – A photograph of myself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days


The last 30 day challenge post at last! I don't think I did too badly this time. I am cheating with this particular post. There's no photograph of me from today but plenty from my birthday.

3 good things that happened to me this past 30 days:

I had a lovely birthday!
My bedroom is really coming together thanks to Sf's help with curtains and her diy skills.
I got a new job!

Me getting ready. Wearing a black asos dress, tan belt from dorothy perkins, gap cardigan.

Below: Trying to pose with my ear muffs (my mum calls them ear puffs!!!!!!)

Full length me taken in a supermarket customer toilet. Classy!! LOL Bubble coat from Primark, cream snood from Gap.

Above and below: Me enjoying the novelty of the mini-trolley!

ROOOOAAAAAAAARRR! Braving the snow to pose with the lion thing.

What are 3 good things that has happened to you in the last 30 days?

Share below!


Day 29 – Something I could never get tired of doing.


Sorry for popping in and out, been feeling poorly but want to finish the 30 day challenge.

I've been thinking about what I could write about for this challenge and I can't really think of anything that isn't along the lines of eating, sleeping, eating or sleeping ;)

This is lame but true; something that I don't think I could ever get tired of doing is virtual window shopping on asos. I just pop everything and anything into the basket (normal size range and all) and then I dump it. It's fun and feels good and it's free. Obviously sometimes I seem to forget the point of the window shopping and end up buying the stuff but I'm usually successful with the basket dumping :)

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Boom and i was born!

Hello everyone!!

I am now 26 :) wanted to send a quick post on my birthday but been a
busy bee and my internet connection is bein well dodgy (i hate BT).

I hope the first few days of december are going well and if its
snowing where you are i hope you're staying warm and safe (as well as
having fun!).

I was off work for a few days to recover from the many diet cokes i
drunk to celebrate amd today was my first day back. That weather aint
ramping bwoy!!! That's the real deal right there. I am quite impressed
but not impressed with our capability to cope. We are a bunch of

Oh wow this was just suppose to be a 'hello', i forgot how fantastic a
ramble is to write. A giant offloading.

Well, its nearly 8.30, bedtime lol


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