Tuesday 30 November 2010

Day 28 – My favourite movie.

Cor blimey! I feel like I've written about this a million times. My favourite movie is Hairspray, starring Rikki Lake.

Day 27 – A picture of me last year and now and how have I changed since then?

Above: This is me probably nearly exactly a year ago.
Below: And this is me now, taken a few days ago.

So what has changed since then ?

On the outside, not much. I've been growing out my eyebrows for the past 6 months. Actually this comparison is quite interesting, I don't know what's better, my thinner brows or my little caterpillars. Should I thread or just keep growing? Comment below!!

I've got a few (a lot!) more grey hairs. My weight has gone uuuup and down so that's probably the same. I've definitely not grown taller unfortunately.

I think the main changes are on the inside. I'm a bit more sure of myself and my confidence in everything has grown. I guess I'm just more grown up now, but still with a lot of growing up to do.

I'm in that inbetween stage of, as Britney would say, "not a girl, not yet a woman". I'm writing this on the eve of my 26th birthday and I feel like...like things are going a bit too fast. And if you read my blog/know me, you know that I don't like fast. I'm much more a plod along type of person.

Loads of things in my life has changed since the 1st picture. I'm just about settled in penny palace and work wise...well, that will get a post of it's own soon.

I am happy. Today I am happy :)

I'm glad I get to document that because a lot of things in my life are about to change and it's going to be a long journey for me. I hope that if I have to compare myself 2010-2011 that I can still say I am happy. I guess that's the adventure called life!!!

Day 26 – Someone I admire.

Well, I've written about someone I admire before so I'll write about someone else this time.

I really admire my younger brother, J

Even though we look the same (eye liner and different hair is the only seperating us haha) we're very different. And he is everything that I wish I could be. He is brave and adventurous. He does what he want's to do and he isn't afraid to take risks. He is my baby bro but I do look up to him and I wish I could be more like him.

Love you J x

Day 25 – My Favourite Colour

My favourite colour is PINK.

I like pink because it's a pretty colour. Pink is the colour of princesses and Barbie dolls.

Baby pink is cute and sweet, hot pink is sexy and naughty.

Pink rocks!

Day 24 – A photo of something that means a lot to me.

A photo of my family. Nuff said!

And just to be 'cheeky' a picture of a strangers arse.
Arse always means a lot to me lol

Planet Penny

A few weeks ago I accompanied SF to her friend's birthday party. We ended up in Planet Hollywood:

I had the steak fajita and SF had a massive burger:

After the food the rest of the girl's went on to a bar/club but SF and I made our way to penny palace. We went through picadilly circus and passed a group of breakdancer. It was so cool. And it made SF and me feel oooooooold.

(Belated) Happy Thanksgiving!

So on Sunday I went to L with my friend ML for a post thanksgiving dinner. This was my first time celebrating thanksgiving and the first time eating thanksgiving type food so I was excited :)

ML and I in our trappers. The hands are suppose to be cat paws...IDK.
More furry-zombies?

Got to L's around 2pm and the food was cooking. House smelt goooooooooood.

Thermometer in the turkey.

Butternut squash soup. Amazing! And I now have an addiction to pine nuts.

Maple glazed carrots and parsnips. YUM!

Turkey getting stabbed up.

Pumpkin pie. OMG My first time, definitely not my last!!


Stuffing...doesn't photograph well (that's an understatement!) but it was my favourite thing. Give me a bowl of stuffing and a spoon and I'd be happy all day :)

So to those of you who celebrate thanksgiving, I hope you had a happy one and ate as well as I did. I'm thankful for great friends and great food xoxo

Day 23 – My Skincare Regime.

Hello Guys!

I'm not doing too bad catching up with the challenge if I do say so myself!

So Day 23's challenge was 'my skincare regime'. This is pretty simple for me:


I wash my face using a teatree exfoliating scrub from superdrugs. (About once a fortnight I use Lush's lipscrub as well.)

Once my lenses are in and face is dry I slap on the 'natural source vitamin e cream' and then I start my make up routine.


(Take out my lenses...) I wet my face and use some johnson's baby oil and cotton pads to remove my eye make up. I then use 2 wilkinsons facial wipes to get rid of my make up and then I use wilkinsons gentle facial wash.

Once I dry my face I put on my vitamin e cream (same as AM) and then I put a layer of sudocreme on my cheeks and chin (I avoid the mouth, nose and eye area). If I have a proper spot then I put on a mountain of sudocreme on the problem area.

Once in a while (when I can be bothered) I put on my eye cream and and moisture surge. I use to do this everyday but I think it might be a bit much for my skin.

Vitamin e and sudocreme kick ass! And it's so cheap!!!

Eskimo Snow!

Who's laughing at my stupid hat now?!

Saturday 27 November 2010

UPDATED! Day 22 – A photo of you as a child.

Hhhhmmm I don't have any on my laptop, and all photo's of me as a kid are at my parent's house. I will get back to this one day! Sorry!

UPDATED 30/11/10

Hi it's me, and I've got a pic of me as a child. This is actually a clip frame I keep propped up in my living room. Even though I look like a granny I am young! lol

They're actually passports pics that my dad got blown up in Thailand and they're just bigger than A4 size now.

Day 21 – Something I crave a lot.


Day 20 – A photo of something that makes me happy.

Ok, this is a bit weird, but it really does make me smile so...

In case it's not clear, it's a picture of a arm and hand giving a two fingered salute scuplted out of blue tac.

My friendloves to 'sculpt' stuff out of blue tac and he is really really good. This particular piece of art just makes me laugh so much and whenever I need to vent I just stick this to my computer with the 'salute' facing towards whoever is pissing me off. Passive aggressiveness at it's best!!!

Day 19 – Another picture of myself.

It's me! And I am wearing my new prized possession; furry trapper hat from Gap, rrp £19.50.
I love it. And I've had people pointing, laughing, pointing and laughing, stares, thumbs up and I have heard every single rat/beaver/cat/roadkill/badger etc joke there is. But am i 'bovverred?!' No! I heart it :)

Day 18 – The meaning behind my blog name.

My blog name is "penny for your thoughts" and the meaning behind it? My name is penny and this is about my thoughts, seems pretty obvious to me! Nothing deep and meaningful nor exciting. At least it isn't embarrassing!!!

What's your blog called and why? Or, what would you call your blog if you had one?

Day 17 – 10 Things I Want To Do Before I Die

Hey Guys, I basically did this post ages ago so I've just copied and pasted...

I read through it and it does still stand. It makes me a bit sad to read it actually. It makes me feel very vulnerable, I guess because some of the things are so simple and probably won't ever happen and that's difficult to digest.

I had some lovely comments when I last posted it and I still hold that with me, so thank you again L <3

  1. I want Johnny Depp to write back to me, telling me how much he appreciates my love and support and that if he hadn't got with that french lady, he definitely would have got with me.
  2. I want to write my will....but I can't really afford to do that at the moment.
  3. I want to (re)learn to swim.
  4. I want to get over my physical sickness of amusement park rides and just get onto a crazy roller coaster without puking out my guts.
  5. I want to post a video on youtube.
  6. I want to be remembered as a good person when I leave this earth.
  7. I want to make a difference to somebody's life; to make their life just that tiny bit better.
  8. I want to get over my fear of crowds and be able to go to a music concert, or the cinema, or a sporting event.
  9. I wish I could smell for at least an entire year, so that I can build up a smell memory bank (I worded it like that because unless I had an operation I'll never be able to smell 'normally' but since I get my sense back every once in a while there is a teeeeeny chance that instead of lasting a day or two it would last a year...maybe!)
  10. I want to learn to cook properly, and be the sort of person who has a real use for a rolling pin!

Day 16 – What’s in my bag?

In my bag there's:

  • My make up bag, see a few posts back for what's in there
  • My purse and about a million receipts
  • An Umbrella
  • Keys
  • pens
  • a few packs of tissue
  • mints
  • elastic band
  • oyster card
  • Earphones (for ipod that is on my table but will go into my bag whenever I go out)
  • Melon scent baby wipes
  • Brown leather gloves
  • Work lanyard and cards

Day 15 – Something I don’t leave the house without.

Something I don't leave the house without...?

Apart from obvious things like my house keys, purse and mobile, the thing that I absolutely cannot leave the house with is, hands down, without a doubt, is my tin of vaseline!!!!

I swear down, I'd rather have my vaseline on me then my purse or phone!!!

What can't you leave the house without?

Day 14 – A TV show I'm currently addicted to.

Hi Guys!

Back on the 30 Day Challenge bandwagon. Let's see how many I can pump out tonight!

A TV show I am currently addicted to is Misfits, which is on E4, Thursday at 10pm. This is the much awaited (by me) second series. I didn't even watch the first series when it was shown on TV, I watched the whole thing in about two days online. LOVE IT!

There's laughter, a lot of swearing, sexy time, suspense, action. It's just bloody fantastic. And you guys know I'm not really a TV person but seriously, this is must watch tv!

In case you haven't seen this - it's basically a mix between Skins and Heroes. It's about a bunch of young (misfits?!) youth offenders who, whilst doing community service, are struck by something (lightening?) and discover they have powers.

The acting is great in my opinions, and the characters are fab!

[Image courtesy of google images
L to R: Curtis, Alisha, Nathan, Kelly and Simon]

Curtis, he can rewind time.
Alisha...not sure how useful her power is seems more of a hindrance at the moment but her power is to fill people with lust if they touch her skin. They become uncontrollable.
Nathan, he just found out he's immortal (after he was buried and then came back to life whilst 6 feet under).
Kelly can read minds.
Simon can become invisible.

At the moment they are still not fantastic with their powers but they seem in more control then in series 1. I think that the powers they got are connected to their personalities.

For example, Curtis was a shamed runner so he would want to be able to turn back time.
And Simon is such a loser and is basically invisible to a lot of people anyway.

So.....WATCH IT!!

Wednesday 24 November 2010

No longer MIA!

Hi guys!!!

Omg it has been toooooo long!! Major huge apologies for going awol,
i'll explain in more detail soon but basically internet got cut off
unexpectedly so... :(

Hope everyone has been well. I cant wait to get back to blogging and
catching up with my challenge posts and ive also got some haulage to
share with you.

Watch this space :)

Takecare, much love


Sunday 14 November 2010

Day 13 – My favourite musician and why?

My favourite musician....I am going to use the word musician loosely. And basically substitute it with singer/performer because in my mind, to be a musician you need to be able to play an instrument (well). I do think that song singers have such amazing voices that they can be called musicians as their voices are instruments, but your run of the mill popstar is not in that league.


Erm, so my favourite singer is.......I don't know. I like looooooooads. I admit I more often than not fall in love with the song, the lyrics, rather than the voice.

Argh I can't do this now. Maybe not ever. Sorry!!!

Comment below on your favourite musician/singer. And if you know me, maybe make some suggestions on my behalf. My brain is blank.

I'm tempted to say my favourite singer is Wagner from the X factor ;)

Day 12 – 15 Random Facts about me!

15 random facts about me?

I'll try to make this post as 'fun' as possible but this is quite a difficult challenge as a) most of my readers are very close friends so these facts won't be groundbreaking news and b) even if a 'stranger' is reading this post, my whole blog is about me; my whole blog is a 'random facts about me' post!

Let's go!

  1. I am so addicted to vaseline that I wake up in the middle of the night (sometimes several times) to reapply my vaseline.
  2. I love Cher from this year's X factor. Ok, 'love' might be overdoing, but i'm definitely a supporter then a hater.
  3. And yeah, I loved Jedward!
  4. The novelty of having post in my mailbox hasn't worn off yet. It's like christmas everyday, even if it's a takeaway menu.
  5. My favourite JLS member is JB cos he has eyes like a pugdog, and cos noone else seems to like him.
  6. My idol is Paris Hilton.
  7. If I go to McDonalds I prefer to order 2 happy meals (chicken nuggets) instead of a adult meal. Happy meals really do make me happy.
  8. If mushrooms are on a menu available as a side dish I have to order them. It's my rule!
  9. I haven't changed my vacuum bag since I got my Hetty - which has been over a year, which means the bags are great or I need to vacuum more!
  10. My favourite Desperate Housewife is Bree aka Marcia Cross. She's a MILF.
  11. I was banned from my school's local off license for trying to buy Hooch, one of the original alco pops. I was about 14 and in my school uniform. Oops.
  12. I truly believe that being nice to an enemy is the perfect punishment for them.
  13. I'll always pick savoury over sweet.
  14. I have a phantom scar on my right hand from being scratched by a cat.
  15. In my head I am an amazing singing. But my ears tell me a different story.
Ok, sorry that was a bit lame, it took me nearly 4 hours so please don't hate, appreciate ;)

Comment below and share some random facts about yourself!

Day 11 – What’s in my makeup bag?


So what is in my make up bag?

I'm going to take the question literally and say what's in my make up bag, even if it isn't quite make up.

  • Black eyeliner - Jordana retractable eyeliner, brought for me by V from a drugstore in new york. It probbaly worked out to be 80p - fantastic!! And a retractable eyeliner for your handbag is very practical as you don't have to worry about it breaking or needing sharpening.
  • Black mascara x2 - Clinique's lash power (sample size), and BYS (no name) - I don't know why I carry two....especially as I don't tend to touch up my mascara. i put so much on in the morning I am usually ok even at 3am. I'd only use a mascara if I was overzealous with face powder and my eyelashes were powdery.
  • Lipstick x2 - revlon's matte lipcolour in pink about it and pink pout - i go through phases of wanting to be the type of girl who can wear lipstick all day everyday and days when i realise that i am too scruffy to wear lipstick on a tuesday afternooon.
  • Concealer - Laura Mercier's secret concealer in shade 2 - sameple size - absolutely amazing!!! I got this free with a maaaaaaasive purchase I made in Sephora NY. The full size is expensive but I think i would def repurchase...lets see what my financial situation is like by the time it runs out! - I've already hit pan :(
  • Foundation - Clinique's city stick in beige twist/shade 06
  • Body shop retractable brush
  • Face powder - Body shop's all in one face base in shade 06
  • Blush - Clinique's all over colour in fresh bloom
  • Blush brush - Clinique
  • Clear mascara - MUA (I use it to tame my brows - still trying to grow them. Taking a lot of willpower not to get them threaded.)
  • Lipgloss x2 - Natural Collection tinted lipbalm in melon cooler and cranberry
  • Cotton buds (lifesaver !! - for messy eye make up and itchy ears lol)
  • Cotton pads - great for if i overdo the blush!
  • Origins 'peace of mind' - it's the beauty version of rescue remedy. You're suppose to stick it on your wrists, earlobes, back of neck, take deeeeep breathes and calm down. It is great but an expensive habit. Mine was a sample :)
  • Chewing gum, pens, paracetamol handcream, strepsils

And my make up bag itself - at the moment I've downsized from usual and using a freebie clinique bag. It is a stupid size but it works for me because i never zip it up so to be honest my make up bag is my handbag lol

What are your make up carry round essentials?

Day 10 – A photo of my favorite place to eat.

Hi Guys,

Hope you've all been well. I've got 4 challenges to complete to get up to date so here is Day 10:

A photo of my fav place to eat:

[image courtesy of google images...
but the wrongly spelled signs and the
grubbiness is pretty close to the real thing]

What's your fav place to eat? Do you love chicken shops or are you too scared that you're probably eaten fried eat?

Tuesday 9 November 2010

bed (girl version)

Love the original J Holiday version, but this girl version is wicked!

Day 9 – A photo of the item I last purchased.

Well, today I went to Wilkinsons and Poundstretcher....

And the last thing I brought was this (it was on sale yay!):


Day 8 – A song to match my mood.

OMG! Currently blogging during an ad break for the first look Hollyoaks.

INTENSE and totally emotional. I've got eyeliner running down my face. I am sad, scared, angry and a bit dazed. Hollyoaks is def a guilty pleasure. LOVE IT!!!

So the song to match my mood...here are the lyrics....No idea what it's called or who it's by. But Steph was singing it to Gilly when they were being lovey dovey, and then they played it in the background as Steph refused to leave the burning building....long story.

[EDIT: Song is by ~LAMB and it's caled GORECKI. You can youtube it if you want to hear it.]

Anyway, a song to represent love and heartache at the same time.

If I should die this very moment
I wouldn't fear
For I've never known completeness
Like being here
Wrapped in the warmth of you
Loving every breath of you
Still my heart this moment
Or it might burst
Could we stay right here
Until the end of time until the earth stops turning
Wanna love you 'till the seas run dry
I've found the one I've waited for

All this time I've loved you
And never known your face
All this time I've missed you
And searched this human race
Here is true peace
Here my heart knows calm
Safe in your soul
Bathed in your sighs
Wanna stay right here
Until the end of time
'Til the earth stops turning
Gonna love you until the seas run dry
I've found the one I've waited for

The one I've waited for

All I've known
All I've done
All I've felt was leading to this
All I've known
All I've done
All I've felt was leading to this
Wanna stay right here
'Til' the end of time 'till the earth stops turning
I'm gonna love you till the seas run dry
I've found the one I've waited for
The one I've waited for
The one I've waited for

Wanna stay right here
'Til the end of time 'till the earth stops turning
I'm gonna love you till the seas run dry
I've found the one I've waited for
The one I've waited for
The one I've waited for

Sunday 7 November 2010

NOTD: Black Magic + London

Hi Guys,

Just quickly sharing with you my nails of the day.

Started off with nails inc's 'london'

Put on a coat of black magic on top.

Waited 10 seconds.


You like? In the pic it looks similiar to the grey but in real life i
think it's noticeably different. But i am sad/obessive enough to notice.

Loooooooads of people at work are rocking the black magic now. Which is weird. Now I know how Posh Spice feels when people copy her ;) But it is a tiny bit flattering too I guess.

Day 7 – Your dream wedding.

(Last one and then I'm up to date YAY!)

My dream wedding.....bloody hell this is hard! I couldn't even say what I wanted for a perfect date!!!

I'm not (and never was) the girl who dreamed about her wedding or getting married. In fact, at this moment I can't imagine being married. I can't do the commitment and the sharing of space. Plus, I'm the sort of person who hates events so the idea of a wedding, and being the bride, would be torture, a living nightmare for me.

Jesus, even thinking about it is making my heart beat really fast and I've broken out in a cold sweat lol But for the sake of my blog I will power through the panic...

So my dream wedding plans (which has now been my dream for about 23 seconds) are:

[All images courtesy of google images -thanks!]

Theme: No surprise but I just want a really simple wedding. Simple in terms of colour, lavish in love and details ;) Colour wise......I don't know. Pink is my favourite colour but I'm also thinking gold or peach.......?? Or maybe light grey!

Date: Early autumn. Not too hot, not too cold. Nice flowers. Will compliment my dream dress.

Location: Definitely London. It's home. And then people could actually turn up if they wanted to/I invite anyone. Plus I hate travelling. I think, depending on who I marry, I would have a church wedding and a thai ceremony too.

In my opinion, the thai ceremony isn't that much about religion, but about honouring the parents. And plus you get loads of money i think lol

Cake: Firstly, it must be cholocate! No f*cking fruit cake at my wedding. Darling L has offered to make my cupcake wedding cake so in reality that's pretty much sorted :)

But I also wouldn't mind a 6 foot wedding cake. Chocolate but covered in white chocolate. I don't think L's oven could handle that though.

Dress: The best til last. And the main reason I would be sad if I never got married.

Yeah baby! I wear black nearly everyday. Why on the 'most special day of my life' and the one day where I am the centre of attention would I wear a colour that I hate and feel shite in? If I had to wear a 'white dress' then it definitely wouldn't be white, it would be ivory or cream or whatever. But fingers crossed black.

But here is one white dress just in case the church don't let me in! As you might notice, it kinda looks like an asos dress with a train lol

Day 6 – A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet.

Hi Guys,

If you know me/read my blog you will know I am not a animal/pet person. The only thing I like about animals is the way they taste!! I am a bad person :(

But in the spirit of the 30 day challenge I've decided that practicalities aside, I'd like a pig. Cute when they are piglet, and still cute when they are bigger (like Babe). And if I get bored there's always the bacon sarnie route ;)

Day 5 – A photo of yourself two years ago.

Two photo's of me from two years ago :)

The 2nd pic was around the time I discovered bronzer...which is why I am orange in the 2nd pic and normal coloured in the 1st pic.

Day 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend.

Day 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend.

Hi Guys!

Can't do this one because I want to respect her 'secret' identity and I'm sure she'd murder me if I put up her photo.

Instead, I will just write a post. This is for you SF.

My bf is....beautiful. Inside and out. I believe in love at first sight because I fell in love with her the first time I saw her. We became friends in 1999 and it was all so random I can only assume that it must have been Fate. Everytime, even now, when I hear her voice or see her, she takes my breath away.

She's everything I wish I could be. If I am a grey cloud, she is my blue sky. She is the sort of person that noone could hate or dislike. I feel honoured to be her friend.

And she completes me. If I am sad or scared I call her. If I need advice I ask her. If I'm angry and need a rant her ears get a battering. And most importantly , when I am happy, I know she will be even more happy for me.

Sometimes I really do wonder how I became so lucky. Our lives are entwined because we made it that way. There's no reason for us to be friends, let alone best friends. We weren't in the same year at school, we didn't have the same group of friends, I don't think we really even had the same 'hobbies' - unless you count dirty full length mirrors and backstreet boys ;)

Our lives have changed a lot in the last decade +1 (wow!) But she is always my role model and inspiration, from when i was a pre-teen, teen, young lady, nearly adult, and now mini-adult.

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