Hi Guys!
If you read one of my recent posts you will know that I found and fell in love with a chunky glitter nail polish (sparking diamonds by l.a. colors). You might also know that I had about 5 coats of polish (including base colour and top coat).
Glitter polish + a million coats = hell to remove!!!
Please read on to learn how to remove glitter polish in a fast and effective way :)
I did attempt to remove my polish in the normal way (i.e. cotton pad and nail polish remove wiped over the nail) but I ended up with cotton wool sticking to the glitter [pictured below x2].
The nail polish remover (I use Cutex moisture guard btw, the one with the mint green lid) had basically removed the top coat but when it got to the glitter polish...nothing. Game over.
'Tools' needed:
3 cotton pads
1 extra cotton pad***
Nail polish remover
- Cut 2 of your cotton pads into quarters (you should then have 8 little bits) and cut 1 cotton pad into half (they are for your thumbs).
And now the fun starts!
Depending how easy you find the following steps I would definitely do only one hand at a time, and personally I did only a few fingers at the time.
It takes longer this way obviously but less hassle. And the wait is worth it!!
3. Get your piece of cotton pad and put some nail polish remover on it. You want the pad to be saturated, so that the remover has soaked all the way through the pad (you don't want it dripping though because otherwise you will end up covered in nail polish remover!
4. Place the cotton pad on your nail and wrap as tightly as possible (be careful not to tear the foil) around your finger and then twist the top. You need to make sure the top is twisted as tightly as possible and that the end (bit near your knuckle) is also as 'closed' as possible.
The aim is to have your foil thing as secure and as air tight as possible so that your cotton pad stays wet - that is the point of this method. It allows the nail polish remover to soak into the glitter nail varnish.
You should end up with something like in the photo below:
While your waiting apply pressure (i.e give your nail a squeeze) on all your foiled nails to make sure that the nail polish remover is working it's magic.
Careful you don't leak onto yourself lol
I kept mine on for only a couple of minutes and when I removed the foil (how to - below) 98% of the polish had gone and I only had a few glitter bits left.
***Thats what the extra cotton pad is for - if you have any bits left you can just give your nails a quick wipe as normal - the hard work has already been done :)
6. To remove:
You do NOT unwrap the foil!
How you remove the foil is also part of the 'magic' ;)
Once you are ready, give your nail a final squeeze and then twist and pull off. It is in that action that you are taking the nail polish off.
You might be able to see in the picture below; there is no rubbing action required - you've just basically melted and pulled off the glitter polish (and all polish).
Apart from the fact this gets the glitter off it is also minimises damage to your nails, as rubbing glitter polish can scratch your nails and could even cause dents!
I hope you find it useful. I was a bit lazy to give this ago but really glad I did because it worked!!
TIme and patience girls :)
Let me know if you gave this method a go, or if you have any other easy tips for me to try.