Friday, 31 July 2015

I'm back. Again.

Hi guys!

Wowza. I haven't done this for ages. I was at that point where I felt I'd been gone so long that I couldn't return. But then I realised that no one really reads this and I just felt it would be a shame to abandon ship. Even without anyone really reading I still get great joy from writing and just documenting my mundane life.

I have been through many mascaras and foundation since I last wrote and I've kind of lost track of where I am....I will try not to repeat myself, but please find room in your heart to forgive me if I do duplicate items.

I guess this is a random update for now - erm.......

Life - I've mentioned previously (I think?) that my baby brother is getting married. In January I was hauling flip flops and sunglasses and in real life people my friends and family thought I was a bit over eager, but I'm so glad I started early.  Considering my small budget and suitcase weight allowance I now have a decent amount of stuff. And as a plus size fussy woman starting early was the smartest thing I could do. Truth be told most of my stuff were purchased winter/spring time. By the time summer  rolled around all the stuff I wanted were either sold out or no longer available. Have purchased (and returned!) about £400 worth of swimwear. But I think those woes deserve a post of their own! is in November. Not too long to go really. Excited. Nervous. All sorts. And that is about it for life - everything else is the same. Still kpop crazy. Same job. Blah blah blah

As Arnie said, I'll be back!

Wait for me!


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