[EDIT: SORRY for the funny font, for the life of me I can't get it "un-bolded" or fitting in with the rest of the post.]
Here's a convo with V on facebook (i heart copy and paste!)
Me: Omg! Just heard whispers of Barry m having a nail paint called mushroom...beanie dupe? I hope so!!! I still have no nail polish in a mushroom/taupey colour :( my life sucks!!!
So pls pray that 'mushroom' is indeed a beanie dupe; that my local superdrug has it in stock; and that Barry m nail paints are on a 3 for 2 offer!!!!
Me again: Aaaaaargh it's true!!! There is a Barry m mushroom (np310) and it is a beanie type colour (can't really tell online but I have faith). How am I going to sleep knowing that I could be painting my nails?!V: Pen pen! That is the first thing you must do!! I'm not sure about beanie to be fair, I find it a bit too brown ...? Maybe. I have seen a nice opi one in a similar colour, but it might just be that I need another coat! I wish you luck in your quest! My beanie offer still stands. I want a light 'fluffy' grey ... Xx
Me: So....totally know which opi ur talking about and I love....
(image taken from other site: OPI "over the taupe")
......but scared to go down that road incase I get hooked and it's not a habit I can afford..Short story re Barry m mushroom is 'no'. But I did see a pretty rimmel called 'beige style' which might be better cos I know what u mean about beanie being too brown. It seems that I am not destined to jump onto the taupe band wagon. And you getting it for me would be cheating and I want to die with my intregrity intact so no thank you (my kind angel).
..Oooh also, in regards to ur want for a light fluffy grey rimmel and gosh had something u might like....x
The End
So the purpose of that was so that I wouldn't have to repeat myself.
What has happened now is that I'm thinking of nipping my problem in the bud. I cannot let this obsession go on. I am a grown women (with obsessive tendancies) and I really need to just chillax and not let the 'want' get to me.....coveting is a sin right?
So I think that I should forget taupe (all brands) and go for "beige style" rimmel,
(beige style, rimmel, image from another site)
which is a beigey nude as its imaginative name suggests. And unlike beanie and mushroom rimmel is available at both boots and superdrugs....(yeah i saw it instore today but i want to wait until its 3for2!)
(beautfiully painted) fingers crossed this should be the last essay about nail polish for a while!!!
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