Thinking it would be funny to leave the post blank after this but
since I've written this it's now not blank so...
In a bit of a pickle. Can't remember if I'm actually on annual leave
tomorrow or if it's just wishful thinking. Going to have to get up and
dressed and then I'll call work at 9am and if I'm in I'll make my way
and if I'm off...hopefully i'll be able to get back to bed (once I
scrape my make up off).
I'm 99% sure I'm off hence the 1am blogging but I'm pretty screwed if
I'm in. It's going to be a coffee day ick!
Apart from the fact that er I'd prefer to be at home, i really hope I
am off cos my plan is to stay home and wait for my ASOS delivery. 1st
attempt was today and the calling card said they'd automatically try a
2nd time the next working day...which is tomorrow right? They deliver
from 7am til 5pm...hope it's a decent slot like 10-11am. I'm a novice
when it comes to home delivery, I'm actually nervous lol
Whilst waiting I plan to spend my time watching Pretty Little Liars.
Never seen it before but it's a new ABC show currently just shown it's
4th episodes and it's doing so well it's been commisioned up to
22episodes for season 1 aka it's doing better than flashforward and I
need a replacement for that and doctor who so yay!
Assuming delivery is made at a decent time I plan to see my mum and do
food shopping. (if im seeing her will also need to spend time
seriously tidying up penny palace. It looks like primark has exploded
in my living room lol It's likely we won't see each other though so I
think a quick dash to the new tesco metro is in order. It's about a
3minute walk from my place. I hope it's got a good range and good
deals - be great if it can become my supermarket (cos otherwise I have
a 6minute trek to morrisons or a 12min marathon to sainsburys ;) lol I
love my location!)
Gosh I haven't done a blog ramble for ages and it feels good. Like a
cleansing for my soul! (especially done via ipenny the crap just flows!)
Anyway it's a lovely night. I've got the window open (so where's the
frigging breeze?!) and just typing away in the moonlight.
It's cliched but let's talk about the weather: are you loving it or
hating it? If you're a lover you probably find it strange I'm even
asking but I've seen those moany facebook statuses and miserable faces
on the street.
I'm 50/50. I'm not really a fan of the heat (I'm hot when it's cold so
when it's hot I'm on weather status not lyrics from a katy
perry song lol) but I love summer clothes (ok, I also love autumn,
winter and spring clothed but whatever!) and ok pervert alert but I
love how the pretty girls dress/look in the summer. Legs out tits out
bums out it's all gravy baby. On that note, English guys in England in
the summer not so good. Thumbs down!
Erm one more thing. Really been craving sorbet for a while. Someone
hook me up!
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