Tuesday, 15 June 2010

I want it for the articles I promise!!

[Image from Google Images - From GQ 2009 - NOT THIS ISSUE!!!!!!]

So I got a text from L saying "Buy July's GQ" and I was wondering why. 'GQ...that's a men's mag isn't it? They're not going to be giving out lipstick or eyeliner with that...I wonder what she's thinking'.

Well, I get home and checking my twitter and Perez Hilton has posted a tweet saying "TayTay!!!!!! Sweet Jesus, those abs! Taylor Lautner looking AMAZING in the new GQ" - and thank you Perez for including a link to pics. They are truly amazing.

Tomorrow I am going to leave my house at 5am to go buy GQ in case there are a lot of 'Taylor Tots' in East London and GQ sells out LOL I'm kidding, i'm kidding. I cheekily facebooked my brother to buy GQ and then to give it to me to frame once he is done. Cee is jealous because she was thinking the same thing. I hope my brother doesn't let me down!!!!! I feel a hissy fit coming on otherwise!!!

GQ had Taylor in a shirt article last year so I'm happy for him that he has made it onto the front cover. And I'm happy for myself too lol

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