Hello my beautiful blog reading friends :)
Hope you've had a great weekend. I can't believe its nearly 5pm already. Usually at this point on a Sunday I'll start to feel a bit sad that my only day off is nearly over but since I have a glorious 7 days (from yesterday til next Sunday) off from both jobs I am feeling totally chillaxed (only slightly guilty that i'm still in my pj's lol).
So yesterday I attended my first ever wedding and wow it was amazing. If I ever have a chance to attend another wedding then I need to ensure that I purchase some waterproof (esp mascara!) make up cos god I wanted to cry every single sloppy second (managed to hold in in until the first dance then it was booo hooooo) and actually yesterday was so hot even if i was dried eyed, waterproof makeup is also suppose to be sweat proof so......nice image (!)
Anyways, I'll post a few posts about this because ~I can only upload 5 pics at a time.
This is Wedding part 1: This will just be about the actual wedding and my experience and thoughts, that type of stuff.
Part 2: This will be some pics of moi and be in a more typical 'penny for your thoughts' style aka my dress, my shoes, my hair. Shallow, moi!? lol
And Part 3 will be more of the usual style, talking about what everyone else wore!
So, firstly, a big and heartfelt congratulations to Mr and Mrs Andrews!!!!!!! I went to the wedding as a guest of the bride T. I'm not sure I explained the backstory when i first mentioned I was going to a wedding so apologies if you know this already but: I've known T for nearly the whole of my life. Her sister Z was my best friend from nursery school. We lived down the road from each other, and I spent a lot of time with Z and big sis T. It's always the way when you are younger but anyone who is older then you always seems to mature and always grown up (even if you are 5 and they are the grand old age of 8) but I've always looked up to and admire T. She's strong and smart and the kind of woman who made it worth burning bra's for. Being able to share her most special day with her was an honour, and my mum especially was touched to be sent her own invite and see a girl she can remember with dusty knee's in her bridal gown was wonderful.
The wedding theme was orange and everything was gorgeous.
Like I said I've never been to a wedding so no idea what the timings would be like. The church bit was quite short (about an hour - flew by!). We sang hymns, a few readings, prayers and bam they were married. And then more hymns, readings and prayers. It's quite weird but considering I was at the event from 12pm - 10pm I never really saw the bride. I was sat in the inside so at my next wedding I will make sure to sit by the aisle!!! But i saw enough to know she made my heart skip a beat and she was beautiful.
[Pic below was taken in the church]
[Pic below is bride and groom having their first dance. I was too emotional I couldn't remember how to zoom in lol]
[Pic below is of Z looking shimmer as chief bridesmaid leading bride T into church]
It was a very long day and it was boiling. If I ever get married I think I might have a winter/non summer wedding cos I can't imagine what it was like for T in her dress, or even husband A in his morning coat.
After the church bit we got into a coach that took as to the Battersea Arts Centre; journey was about 2 hours and I slept most of it, like a fat cat lying in a sun spot lol
This is awful to say but I wish I had gone with a friend instead of my mum because I had to keep asking if she was ok and making sure she was all right when I just wanted to let my hair down and have fun. We had already argued about 10 times before we even got to church. Opps. And plus I didn't even get to see the cake being cut cos had to get my mum home. I missed out on cake. Nuff said :(
Ok I'm going to stop here now; i think most of you have been to a wedding and unless you know the person or were there it's all a bit boring to read about so lets go onto part 2......!
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