Saturday, 1 January 2011

Dear Twenty Eleven...

Hello everyone and a very happy new year to you all :)

I hope the first day of the new year has been a good one.

31/12/2010 I went to SF's house to see in the new year. Got home 4amish 1/1/11 and then went to bed about 6am. Woke up at about 4pm! Feeling very disorientated but happy I celebrated the new year, usually I'm sleeping during the count down!

Also, I think 2011 might be a lucky year for me as a 'great' thing happened to me on the way home from the party. K walked me home (no buses for ages) but on the way I offered to get us some chicken and chips. When we got to the chicken shop there were no wings only chicken pieces so K decided he didn't want anything so I ordered 1 piece of chicken and chips for myself, £1.50. It was about 3:30am and it was actually quite busy in the shop and hectic at the counter. I handed over my £1.50 and took a bag off the counter as the guy who was serving me had just put it on the counter. I don't know why but as soon as we got out of the shop I checked inside the box. IT WAS A KEBAB AND CHIPS!!!!!! I wanted to leg it down the road but K told me to chill out. So that is the best thing that has happened to me this year, i hope 2011 brings me many more kebabs lol

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