Sunday, 9 January 2011

A glass half full?

Hi Guys,

Just some random pics from the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011.

Yes...that is a glass of diet coke. Is it half full or half empty? All I know is that I paid £1.10 for a glass and it arrived like that. I hadn't taken a single sip. I was not a happy bunny and I felt really proud because I (politely) demanded a full glass.

I got this a few months ago from ebay. It is a....I don't really know. Like a mascara guide? Eyelid guard? Basically you use it to protect your eyelids from getting covered in mascara when you are applying it. It's especially useful for those with a 'monolid' ('no' crease in the eyelid). I've used it a few times; it is an improvement on the usual mess I end up with but it's not great for me. I think my eyelids are too fat! It's cool though, I think it was about £1 from Hong Kong and I like playing around with these random 'beauty gadgets'.

My new blouse from Evans, £15 in the sales.
What do you think? I'm really into leopard print recently. I love it, but it hasn't proved popular with anyone else. I've only worn it once and maybe it didn't help that on that day I had shite hair and crap make up....Hopefully I'll be able to work it a bit better next time.

I wore it for work so tucked into my skirt but it's actually a really long (sheer) shirt that I'd wear with leggings. The funny thing is that my shirt was a bit longer than my shirt so that's why it's really puffy and not pulled taut.

So the other day I found myself in my favourite La Tasca and my other favourite place, Primark. Fun fun fun!

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