I went to primark last week (or the week before?) and got a few vests to wear with my sheer tops and also picked up this ring.
Now we all know I don't really 'do' jewelry but I have felt the urge to wear some recently. When I was a teen I wore tons of jewelry; hoops earrings that fit up my arm, thick chains with giant crucifixes on them, loads of bangles and bracelets. I even had an anklet and toe ring! But I never really wore rings due to my hand washing 'thing' and because whenever I did buy a ring, they ended up falling down the toilet. Classy and sophisticated are my middle names(!)
So anyway! Was in primark, and was determined to buy a ring. I wanted tons, the bigger the better but settled for one to see how my allergies would cope. I am glad I only bought one (£2.50 btw) because though I like the look of it it is not very practical for me. I end up wearing it to and from work but during the day i take it off and leave it on my desk.
What do you think of my foray into fingerwear?
If you are a ringwearer, how do you dry under your rings after washing your hands?
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