Hi Guys,
It's nearly Christmas so here are my answers to the Christmas Tag:
(from beauty crush's youtube video)
1.Whats Your Favorite Holiday Movie?
I can't pick a favourite, I love all the tacky heart warming movies that come on during Christmas time.
2. Whats Your Favorite Christmas Colour?
My favourite colour to wear is 'christmas green'. I find it so refreshing and warming at the same time.
3. Do You Like To Stay in Your PJs Or Dress Up For Christmas?
Dress up!!! Though it can be a bit uncomfortable after a big dinner lol
4. If You Could Only Buy One Person a Present This Year Who Would It Be?
If I could only buy one present every christmas it would have to be for my 'baby' borther J. I love buying him gifts because he is so unlike me and likes proper presents as opposed to the practical stuff I enjoy. Buying presents for J is the only time post penny palace that I get to go to 'fancy' shops. Even on a budget this year his present was from Sloane Square.
5. Do You Open Your Present Christmas Eve Or Christmas Morning?
Well since I moved out we open our presents after Christmas dinner but when I was younger my dad made us wait until Boxing Day!!!!!
6. Have You Ever Built a Ginger Bread House?
No, but I would love to!
7. What Do You Like To Do On Your Christmas Break?
Nothing. Eat, sleep, watch bad tv, and then eat some more.
8. Any Christmas Wishes?
Peace on Earth. And a Chanel handbag. Maybe the other way round :)
9. Favorite Christmas Smell?
I can't smell so I dont have one. At least I can't smell brussell sprout induced farts hahaha!
10. Favorite Christmas Meal Or Treat?
Christmas food is really special to me. I don't come from a culture that has a Sunday roast so for me Christmas time is the only time I have that type of meal so I love it all; the potatoes, yorkshire pudding, meat, trimmings, even the sprouts! My favourite thing is stuffing. What a wonderful thing! I love cranberry sauce but have to always buy it myself cos noone else in my family has it. And my mum always makes me eat the whole jar so it's not wasted so once a year is good enough for me. FYI I HATE mince pies. Yuck.
And another one...
1) Which holiday do you celebrate?
Erm, all of them?
2) What are you doing for the holidays this year?
See answer 7) above!
3) What's your favorite holiday drink?
I don't have one. Just the usual.
4) Candy cane or Gingerbread men?
Candy cane. I love it! Gingerbread is yummy but more than one man makes me ill.....that's probably true with real men too lol
5) What's your favorite holiday/Christmas song?
Fav Christmas song is Jingle Bells! I hum it constantly. It must be my work friend's least fav song thanks to me!
6) What's the weirdest gift you've ever received?
A gift is a gift, welcomed with opened arms. I probably get a lot of gifts that aren't considered gift type things but that's because I always ask for boring stuff. I heart boring stuff!
7) Have you ever made a snowman?
Attempted to. But East London snow is just not snow man worthy :(
8) What is your favorite winter fragrance?
As in perfume, well I can't smell it properly but JPG was my winter fragrance, and now on a budget it's Victoria Beckhams :)
9) What is at the top of your list this Christmas? (or whichever holiday you celebrate!)
Well, for next year (so everyone can start saving) I want a big fat gold watch. But I might be ok with downgrading from my Rolex lol
10) What is most important to you about the holidays?
Family. And stuffing :)
And of course, all of you are TAGGED!
I can't pick a favourite, I love all the tacky heart warming movies that come on during Christmas time.
2. Whats Your Favorite Christmas Colour?
My favourite colour to wear is 'christmas green'. I find it so refreshing and warming at the same time.
3. Do You Like To Stay in Your PJs Or Dress Up For Christmas?
Dress up!!! Though it can be a bit uncomfortable after a big dinner lol
4. If You Could Only Buy One Person a Present This Year Who Would It Be?
If I could only buy one present every christmas it would have to be for my 'baby' borther J. I love buying him gifts because he is so unlike me and likes proper presents as opposed to the practical stuff I enjoy. Buying presents for J is the only time post penny palace that I get to go to 'fancy' shops. Even on a budget this year his present was from Sloane Square.
5. Do You Open Your Present Christmas Eve Or Christmas Morning?
Well since I moved out we open our presents after Christmas dinner but when I was younger my dad made us wait until Boxing Day!!!!!
6. Have You Ever Built a Ginger Bread House?
No, but I would love to!
7. What Do You Like To Do On Your Christmas Break?
Nothing. Eat, sleep, watch bad tv, and then eat some more.
8. Any Christmas Wishes?
Peace on Earth. And a Chanel handbag. Maybe the other way round :)
9. Favorite Christmas Smell?
I can't smell so I dont have one. At least I can't smell brussell sprout induced farts hahaha!
10. Favorite Christmas Meal Or Treat?
Christmas food is really special to me. I don't come from a culture that has a Sunday roast so for me Christmas time is the only time I have that type of meal so I love it all; the potatoes, yorkshire pudding, meat, trimmings, even the sprouts! My favourite thing is stuffing. What a wonderful thing! I love cranberry sauce but have to always buy it myself cos noone else in my family has it. And my mum always makes me eat the whole jar so it's not wasted so once a year is good enough for me. FYI I HATE mince pies. Yuck.
And another one...
1) Which holiday do you celebrate?
Erm, all of them?
2) What are you doing for the holidays this year?
See answer 7) above!
3) What's your favorite holiday drink?
I don't have one. Just the usual.
4) Candy cane or Gingerbread men?
Candy cane. I love it! Gingerbread is yummy but more than one man makes me ill.....that's probably true with real men too lol
5) What's your favorite holiday/Christmas song?
Fav Christmas song is Jingle Bells! I hum it constantly. It must be my work friend's least fav song thanks to me!
6) What's the weirdest gift you've ever received?
A gift is a gift, welcomed with opened arms. I probably get a lot of gifts that aren't considered gift type things but that's because I always ask for boring stuff. I heart boring stuff!
7) Have you ever made a snowman?
Attempted to. But East London snow is just not snow man worthy :(
8) What is your favorite winter fragrance?
As in perfume, well I can't smell it properly but JPG was my winter fragrance, and now on a budget it's Victoria Beckhams :)
9) What is at the top of your list this Christmas? (or whichever holiday you celebrate!)
Well, for next year (so everyone can start saving) I want a big fat gold watch. But I might be ok with downgrading from my Rolex lol
10) What is most important to you about the holidays?
Family. And stuffing :)
And of course, all of you are TAGGED!
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