Sunday, 19 February 2012

February Loves

Hey Guys!

[ABOVE: Me in the snow with my fur and earmuffs - and totally bewildered obviously lol]

Can you believe it's nearly March?!

Hope February has been a good month - and a belated Happy Valentine's Day to you all <3

I love Valentine's Day - it's a pink and happy day.
Next exciting day is St Paddy's day and I can't wait :)

I just wanted to do a update - I've not blogged as much as I want/usually do. Weekend's have been busy; I haven't even been doing my nails properly!

iPenny had a recent trip to the Genius Bar; I've never been before and I had a really good experience. The Apple guy I saw was just excellent. But anyway, iPenny died and now I've got iPenny 2 (who shall just be called iPenny to avoid getting too complicated!)

And here are a few bits into my life this Feb 2012:


Forgive the terrible terrible paint job!!! But AY gave me a nail polish and I wanted to try it out. Similar to peach melba, a pastel peach but applies much better.


MY fav Kit KAt Chunky - peanut butter. I love this so much. I'm not even a big fan of peanut butter - that texture just me me *gag* but peanut butter and chocolate is a winner for me.


My current face wash - it's the tea tree foaming face wash from Superdrugs.
I really like their tea tree range; I use their normal face wash and scrub but this is the first time I've tried this and....I like it. Make's me clean, hasn't broken me out, easy to use.

The only thing I find weird is the instant foam thing - am I so lazy that I can't be bothered to lather up my own face wash? I dunno, I just find that weird. And I'm also interested to know how cost effective this product is and how long it will last. Will keep you updated.


Last random thing; Sky Flakes!! I got this in the Chinese cash and carry - is this just an oriental thing? Basically crackers. Light and yummy.

What have you been loving this month? How was your Valentine's Day?

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Product Rave

Just downloaded a blog app. Haven't really figured out the functions yet so please bear with me!

Product rave for 2 items I never thought I needed and I now love <3

Item 1: Clinique's Clarifying Lotion in 2
I got this as part of those many gift sets Clinique do (buy two items and get a bunch of stuff) and its been laying round for ages for two reasons:
1. Wasn't too sure what a clarifying lotion was and 2. Was scared it would break me out/irritate my face. But I've been determined to use stuff or else bin it do I thought I'd give this a try before binning it. So what is it? A toner basically. And what is a toner? I still don't really know! But after I take off my make up at night and cleanse I then give my face a good swipe with the clarifying lotion. You are suppose to just leave it and apply moisturiser but due to stinging and fear I leave it or a few minutes and rinse it off. Baby steps!

My face is left squeaky clean and I used the small bottle for about 3 weeks (was very generous and I've finished the bottle already) and no break outs or rashes. Happy girl.

It's not a necessity in a face routine I feel but I enjoy stuff like this so my plan is to try out some cheaper brands of toner and hopefully find something I like and if I can't then I shall be raiding my mums cupboard to see if she's got any Clinique toner going spare :)

[edit: been using a different toner and what it's told me is...Clinique's really is amazing!! The clearness and smoothness has disappeared and I'm back to dull. Unfortunately my mum does have an unused bottle in her cupboards but it's for oily skin and I'm dry so......]

Item 2: Tesco's sensitive eye make up remover

This was about 87p or something equally ridiculous and it is amazing. I usually use baby oil to remove eye make up (still a major fan) but was
just browsing and ended up purchasing this. It's cheap and gentle and it really works. I pack on a lot of eye make up, and recently been using a primer and one cotton pad per eye soaked with the product removes everything. I am def going to repurchase this (i've finished the bottle already) and would suggest you give it a go once your usual remover runs out! You can't go wrong with 87p!!!

[edit: it's been about 2 months and I've almost finished my 2nd bottle and already have a 3rd bottle lined up - love] do you remove your eye make up? And any oner recommendations that are purse friendly? Xoxo
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