Saturday, 23 June 2012

Peek-a-boo I see you!!

 Hi Guys!

Sorry about the layout on this post - I'm actually using my laptop and....I dunno.

A change of season brings about a change of wardrobe but I am broke so I need to be a bit wiser with my wardrobre. I've been really proud of my self control since buying penny palace and even though I have my odd splurges I feel I've done really well considering I use to be a shopping whore aka I'd buy anything and everything.

 Nowadays I try to be a tiny bit more sensible and since last winter I decided to only buy things I didn't already have, which might already make sense to you but it's something that my bulk buying self struggles with. Usually if I like something I will buy a million of them in every be fair my last few posts support this ek but honestly I am trying my best here!

I've decided on a loose one in one out policy. This winter I did not buy any boots or coats. Apart from saving money this also means my bedroom is a bit less messy; apart from loving to shop i also love to hoard and even if I haven't worn something for 10 years I will not throw it away. The hoarding has now become my self inflicted torture but until I learn to chuck stuff then I cannot buy (too many) stuff. 

This summer I am trying to do the same thing; no more stupid elbow sleeve jackets until I chuck the one's I have, and no more pumps or sandals because I've already got a million pairs (slight exaggeration, maybe) and a lot of those still have the bloody price tags on!

That being said, there is space in my shoe collection for a plain flat peeptoe. Something that i can wear in the searing heat (not that there's much of that in England atm)  to the office but not have to wear flip flops or gladiators.

 H&M seemed to be the answer to my prayers...

These are £9.99 and they are a black satin cross front peep toe. And the important thing for me is that they have a close back, perfect for work in the summer time. The fact that they are not leather or even faux leather (they have a satin finish) might be a bit of a problem cheesy feet wise (hey, wer're all friends here right?!) but for £9.99 that is a decent price for one season of stinky feet :)
Don't judge me!! I also picked up the same pair in snake print. I love these and they were on a deal for £7 which makes me love them even more! Believe it or not these are also in a satin finish which I can't even believe when I've got them on. These really add a pop my more often than not black outfits and make things a bit more chic. The only thing is...they fucking hurt my feet. Like holy bloody jesus I can't even walk 4 steps without developing a john wayne waddle! But I don't care, they are sexy lol
Above and below, same shoe different colour. This was a sad moment in my life. Basically I wanted the nude (they are a nude beige, not white like they look in the picture) but the size 7 (which I usually wear) were too big and it was the only pair in store. The yellow in a size 6 fit perfectly and I love me bright shoes but in fitting with my 'strict' shopping rules I did not need a pair of patent yellow shoes (cos I already got me a few of those). Sad times. I admit I checked online but they didn't have the style. Oh well, saved me a few bucks.

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