Monday, 4 June 2012

Things I've been loving in May

Hey Guys, Just wanted to share with you some stuff I've been liking in May. First up is this elf lipstick. It was £1.50 and is in the colour 'posh', it's a red colour and it is amazing. The consistency is smooth and the colour is true to the bullet. Staying power is good and it's not drying at all. Really impressed, especially for the price!
My favourite time of the year? Happy hour at starbucks! Once a year they do a week or so of 1/2 price frappucino's, what I like to call 'frappy hour'. I'm not a starbucks drinker, even when it's full price and snowing I stick to a chcolate cream frappuccino. This year I've been enjoying (too) many the new mocha cookie crumble and also had vanilla for the first time (holy cow my teeth were aching!). I love the name taking thing, in east london with the foreign staff and foreign customers it's fun seeing what they will re-name you. I am Heny.
I seem to be on a bit of a vanilla kick! But I'm loving vanilla candles. I've tried the generic vanilla candles and last time picked up m&m vanilla candles and now I've got vanilla cupcake and betty crocker's creamy vanilla. I've burn them in the bathroom and living room hoping that penny palace looks and smells like the inside of a cupcake - I can't smell anything but any smell must be better than the bins right!?
These are olive that I purchased at a stall set up in Stratford Mall. They were delicious but omg I got ripped off. Bowls and bowls and bowls of olives with no indication of price. So I point at the above and the guys packs up a clear container and demands £11 off me. £11?!?!?!?!?!?! I was too scared to say anything so i paid up and did my best to hold back tears. So angry with myself. I need to stay clear of unmarked goods.
Sorry for this nasty looking pic but don't worry it's only guacamole! I made it myself. This is the second time this month that I've been squishing avocados and I did much better this time round. i miss being at L's house; her salsa and guac are amazing. I always think of her when i see an avocado lol Mine wasn't as nice but still an enjoyable and refreshing snack (eaten with some really nasty tortilla chips).

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