not kill-my-baby angry) but there are some things that really make my
blood boil.
I'm a scaredy cat. I avoid confrontation like the plague. If someone
steps on me I apologise. But some things make me want to say "WTF?!"
and then commit some serious GBH.
This is just a blog about things that make me wanna inflict pain, puke
or just pull my hair out.
First thing on my ARGH list: rude people. Ill mannered. Ignorant.
Think they're cool. I'm not bothered about the why but I hate rude
people. And 'rude' covers so many things. People who talk down to
other people. People who have no notion of personal space. People who
simply have no manners; u won't go to hell for saying 'please' or
'thank you' you know!!! And likewise, people who won't apologise.
Hmmmm this is not a good topic to blog about before bed, my blood is
beginning to boil lol but I'm a pro so I'll battle on ;)
I really don't like it when people cut or file their nails in front of
me (esp on public transport for god sakes!!). I just think that nails
are a part of you and as you're filing away I am breathing in ur
nails. That's like me sticking my head into a urn of ashes. Makes me
gag YUCK. And the worst thing is, the person doing it doesn't even
think it's yuck, which makes it even more yuck. (anger is stripping
away my language skills - sorry).
People who don't wash their hands after using the toilet. Or who do
but only after they've rrfreshed their make up and fiddled with their
hair. YUCK again!
Continuation from first peeve - people who are rude to waiters, sales
assistants etc we're all people buddy! And you're ugly so f*ck off!
Strangers who invade my private space. And I'm not talking about peole
bumping into you or stepping on your toes. I'm talking about people
who delibrately reach out and physically touch you. For instance, once
I was walking down a street and one of those charity muggers aka
chuggers stopped me. But he didn't do it by jumping into my path,
waving a clipboard or by fake grinning at me. No. The mofo grabbed my
arm. Don't f*cking touch me. I jerked away so hard I nearly took his
hand with me.
The death of the queue. I think I've actually mentioned this in an
earlier blog but it breaks my heart that the queue becoming extinct.
Life is so much better when people stand in a line.
Zombies. Those people who seem to have no spark in them. They're alive
(and u only know that's when u hold a mirror under their nose) but
that's a bout it. The whole cliche about the difference between being
alive and actually living. Zombies are those people who are just about
nonexistent. Talking to them drains your energy (but thank god they
don't try to rip your limbs off and you). Listening to them drains
your energy (usually have a very slow and boring monotone voice).
Looking at them can make u go brain dead (usually wear sludge based
colours, anti make up and don't seem to read fashion magazines - both
sexes). I'm being a bitch. But you know it's true!!!
I'm going to stop there before I beat someone up. Tell me, what makes
u go ARGH?!
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