Tuesday, 16 February 2010

DVD review: Davina Fit

So today I'm really proud of myself. I did my Davina mccall work out
DVD for the first time :) and I'm going to do a review of it now. Many
thanks to beautiful Cee who gave it to me for Christmas :)

Its the latest DVD, called Davina Fit. Its made up of four 30 mins
sections: aerobics, top, bottom and kickercise and then there's a
extra yoga stretch section and Davinas big night out which I haven't
watched but it's her talking to 'real' people who have used her
workouts and bettered their lives.

I did the aerobics section (which includes warm up and down and some
other thing that I don't know the word...ab exercises basically) and
it was really good. The moves were simple enough for me to do (and I'm
not very coordinated) and the pace was reasonable for someone of my
fitness level (lowest level ever!).

The best thing about this DVD is that davinia does all the workouts
with two trainers beside her, janet and mark. And all three have
different fitness levels, so u follow whoever suits ur needs. So for
example, when their doing the more vigorous moves if u can't keep up
with davina and mark you can follow janet (janet doesn't like to jump
it seems). And it's good for me because it doesn't make me feel like a
defeated loser, it keeps me going. And likewise if ur finding the
routine a bit lame davina and mark tell you how you can make it a bit
more challenging ("if you can, squat lower"). Davina loves to say squat.

One thing I found really annoying (apart from davina and her gurning
mug) was the camera angles. Often the camera was panned in on davina
mug whereas I would have preferred if it was always panned out so that
I could see everyone head to toe but I guess once I've done the
routine a few more times I'll be fine.

An aspect of workout DVDs generally that I was worried about was
space. This DVD is fantastic for a tiny space (not sure how the
kickboxing will work..I'll let u know!) my only problem is that I have
low ceilings so I bashed the lightshades a few times.

Erm...anything else? Can't think. Would I recommend it? Yes! I enjoyed
the workout. I liked the way it's in managable sections. I love
Janet!! (though hopefully one day I'll be able to keep up with davina
and mark) and the music is good. Well it's not good
It's not in your face and it's not too current which could date the
DVD and make it annoying/boring after a while. I loved it so much that
once I'm 'good' and fitter I'd definitely buy more of davinas workout
DVDs, love the approach!

(saying that, recently really wanted the pussycat doll dance workout
DVD but not sure of I'll have enough space...)

My plan is to do the aerobic sessions as I am at least 3 times a week,
as advised by davina, and once my stamina has improved I'll move onto
the other sections (and then id do aerobics twice a week and the new
routine once or twice) as fat burning is the main objective at the
moment. Toning lard isn't really going to work!

I'll keep u updated with my progress an I'll also do another review
once I've moved onto another section (so hopefully before 2012 lol).

My aching (but proud) muscles are going to bed now. Night zzzzz


1 comment:

  1. glad you like it and making it to good use. i think i have to borrow that off you when ur done lol. and HELLOOOO its feb pen why have you only started it now?!


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