Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Hello Moon

Yay tomorrow is Wednesday my fav day :)

Today was...everything. Good. Bad. Long. Short. Tiring. Productive.

Been arriving at work for 9am for the past two days. Really happy with
myself. Had the worst headache today and thought it was the earlier
start but I've still got it :( I don't often have headaches and find
it difficult, as opposed to a bad tum which I can take in my stride.

Not a great day for a headache (I guess no day is ever a good day but
u know what I mean!!). Luckily I didn't have any meetings or training
sessions but I had aloooooot of reading to do and I hate reading off
the pc screen as it is. It had to be done though and I'm glad I got
all my little admin bits out of the way. Felt a bit like school
actually but thank god no homework lol

Well hopefully I'll be a-ok in the morning because I won't be based in
my office I'll be somewhere else. Ill be observing and interviewing
people so I need my wits about me. Got my notes and tools of the trade
ready (aka my biro and pad of paper lol).

Not sure what look im going for. Its an enviroment ive never been in.
Haven't decided on a handbag because the bag I choose will depend on
if it's raining/how much it's raining. Decided on an outfit already; I
don't usually do that because it depends on how I'm feeling on the day
but this morning I put the outfit on and I thought I looked nice so I
took it off and hung it back up to wear tomorrow and put on something
else for today. (hideous outfit!) I'm worried it might be a bit too
dressy but i don't have anything in between, it's either smart blouse
and skirt or leggings!

Well up next is my davina workout DVD review! X

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