Thursday, 11 February 2010

Madam Wishy Washy

I feel to delete my last blog cos it's so crap but then hey if u don't
want to read it u can skip it ( and I mean that in the nicest 'i
respect u an the piwer of ur braincells' sorta way!)

Nearly 10pm. Just did a survey on facebook about how to wash my navy
and white striped cardigan. (So I'm standing here for a bit to make
sure I've shut the door and don't end up with a mini flood.) actually
got a few responses which was nice :) got a 'wash it on it's own'
which won't happen; what a waste of water, electricity, detergent! Got
a 'hand wash' erm nope and then got one 'wash it with blacks' and 2
'wash it with whites' from extremely trustworthy sources so that's
what I'm doing. Hate when it says "wash with like colours" I don't
have a whole load of stripey navy and white stuff, I'm not a sailor!

I seperate my clothes into three loads: 1. handwash (all colours
together cos it's either black, beigey brown, shades of grey or navy)
2. Black, which is black, darker greys, hot pink (like my apron or
festive socks) and 3. Whites, which is plain white and light patterned
whites ie kitchen towel. On tv ads I know they do dark, light and
colours but I don't need a colour load cos I dot have anything to put
in that pile. I've got a green dress, that goes in with the black. 2
mustard yellow items goes either blacks or whites. And thats it! Yeah
I've got a saaaad wardrobe!

Me and my mum use to argue all the time over laundry at home cos I use
to be so fussy and question everything (but never do it myself cos I
was lazy) and she use to get really stressed doing it and then one
day, one shruken garment too many, I ended up taking responsibility
for my own crap which worked out well cos we stopped arguing (and she
use to hide the stuff she destroyed and deny seeing it and I thought I
was going mad!) and my clothes had a longer shelf life. My dad was
also a problem. He loves to be useful and if he sees ur clothes
hanging to dry he'll pop it into the tumble dryer. NO!!!!!!! I only
tumble dry bedclothes an towels. Never ever tumble dry my clothes.
It's like my parents were put onto this earth to shrink my shit. Do
they think that lf they shrink everything I'll go on a diet to fit
into my barbie clothes?!

Haha talking of washing I just glimpsed outside my window and thought
it was snowing but it's just my dirty window lol how do I wash the
outside of the window when I live on a first floor apartment? (no way
no ladder!!)

Ok it's 3 mins to 10pm, real bedtime now. Got 2 awareness sessions to
do tomorrow which I'm looking forward to cos just reorganised the
presentation pack today. Hope I remember what I'm saying!

Have a great Friday x

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