dream scenario but I just realised something even worse. When you lose
touch or fall out with friends, you also kinda lose the the memories
you shared.
I've just been on facebook and through looking at a friend of a friend
of a friends pictures I stumbled across two very familiar faces, both
mega crushes 'back in the day'. One was the guy featured in my most
embarassing moment (codename strawberry head because his head was
strawberry shaped) and the other guy was codenamed snoopy...cos he
looked like snoopy. And I must say, I have good taste cos snoopy has
grown into a handsome man (he was older so he's probably hitting 30 or
maybe even 30plus). (strawberry head still looks like a strawberry
nevermind lol).
And so anyway I was mega excited. Like OMG my childhood crushes. And
so many memories came flooding back and I was thinking, 'who can I
share this with?' and the sad sad answer was 'no one' :(
There's only one person who would have really understood my glee but I
don't talk to her anymore. We didn't fall out but our friendship just
kinda fizzled out I guess aka she found better people to hang out
with. I was writing on her wall "hey guess who I've stumbled
across...remember when..." but then I thought, what if she doesn't
remember? What if she just doesn't give a sh!t? What if she blocks me?!
And then I got thinking about aaaallll the friends that have come and
gone. The 600plus people on my fb for example that I don't talk to.
And sometimes I do want to say 'hey' but i'm worried they'll think I'm
weird or a loser and so another day goes by and another and another
and then it's another year, or 5, or 10 that have gone by :(
And then I thought about all the memories that have gone with the
people I've shared those times with. Obviously I remember but I feel
that without someone to share it with, to laugh or cringe, those
memories don't seem real.
I want my friend to say 'oh my gosh I remember strawberry head! It was
so funny when u fell in the bush!!' and for us to laugh together again
like we once did.
But life is like a river. It doesn't stop and so you can't stop, not
even to freeze the most precious memories or funniest times or
exciting moments in your life.
So I guess my message to myself is: the first sign of craziness is
talking to yourself.
Oh sorry wrong blog topic! Moral of this story is, life goes on and so
you have to go on. Take time out to be sad but don't let that sadness
blacken your heart or dampen your spirits. You've got new friends and
new memories to be making. Maybe the friends will go but you'll always
have the memories. And hey, I'm lucky, I'm a blogger so I've always
got somewhere to dump my emotional sh!t!!!!
Live in the moment!
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