Oh WOW!!! MY 100th post. Well done me! *pat myself on the back*
So what do I write about on my 100th post? .....ok, I've just been googling for some inspiration, and thanks to Chris Brogan, this post is going to be about my "10 guilty pleasures".
10. Sugar on toast - I use to eat this quite often when i was younger and thought it was the norm until very recently when i expressed my craving to a friend and was told the news that 'normal' people don't eat sugar on toast. I was devastated. And ashamed. And now its my guilty pleasure.
9. Watching Jeremy Kyle - for those who are not aware, The Jeremy Kyle Show is a talk show for chavs. Popular issues discussed are "I've slept with my boyfriends dog and I don't know who the father of my baby is, David or Rover"or "My girlfriend has run off with my mum but i want her back". And Jeremy Kyle is a legend. Chief shouty chav. I bow down to you, Sir.
8. Facebook stalking - I'm sure every does this!....don't they?
7. Backstreet Boys - oh how i love thee, let me count the ways! I love love love their soppy love songs. "I'll never break your heart, I'll never make you cry, I'd rather die then live without you....."
6. Reading on the bog. This might not seem such a guilty pleasure cos I'm sure loads of people read when they're on the toilet. But sometimes I'm there for hours. lol ;)
5. Swallowing pills - i get a strange satisfaction in swallowing pills. meds, vitamins, anything. bad.
4. Throwing up out of my nose - nasty but i think i secretly like it. makes me feel detoxed!!! but hurts if its noodles that haven't been chewed properly cos then it feels like my brain is coming out of my nose. Aren't you glad you know?
3. Writing on post it notes. Everyone knows that I like it, but noone really understands how much. And thats why its a guilty pleasure :)
2. Returning things to the store. Sometimes i buy just so i can return. At my local dorothy perkins is the biggest bitch the walk the planet. ever. cow. she is miserable and mean. so sometimes i go to dp in the west end, buy £200 worth of whatever (on my storecard!) and then return it at my local branch. take that bitch.
1. And the number 1 spot goes to......blogging!!! Blogging isn't a 'weird' thing to do but I'm the only person I know (like, know know, not just know of) who does it. And sometimes I do feel guilty about it, to be honest it makes me feel a bit like Hannah Montana, living a secret life lol
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