Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Say cheeeese

So I've been trying to sort myself out so that I'd be able to meet the
goals set (update blog inc photo's) and I'm giving myself a bloody

I've lost the thingmabob that connects my mobile to the pc so no point
taking photos with my mobile.

And my digital camera is crap. I'm sorry camera but tis true. Ur on ur
last legs. I'm currently charging up it's battery and importing
pictures. It says there's 465 pics which can't be right...and it's
taking a million years to import. Hurry up!!

I'm going to hunt for the mobile wire cos I much prefer taking
pictures that way. I really don't wanna be snapping pics in east
London with a camera. How lame an touristy. And a target to be shot at!

Pls wish me luck!

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