Saturday, 24 April 2010

Business as usual

Hi guys!

On my way to work. Yet another nerve grabbing adventure...will I or
won't I make it to work on time? As long as there's no delays or
unusually long stops I'll be fine... But we all know what sods law is

Uh oh I feel like I've done something rude. A guy got onto my carriage
and sat next to me, apart from feeling a bit squashed he also had a
bouquet of flowers and I don't want to risk any allergies so i got up
and move a few seats...everyone looked at me but I've got a lot of
stops to go, I'm not going to suffer when there's empty seats across
from me (and why didn't the dickhead take the empty row?!)

I hate it when people on public transport cross their legs. Having
their foot dangling in what I think of as my space (the space in front
of my calves) really annoys me, especially if they swing their leg or
if they have big crusty shoes. Vomit. (the person next to me is doing
this and starring at me, kinda hoping she'll read this and move her
ugly foot.)

Oooh! My 3 blessings for yesterday:
1) I had chicken and chips for dinner
2) wore my new foundation. Review to follow after haul.
3) had my first (jug of) pimms of the summer. Oooh I love sticking my
arm into the jug afterwards and fishing out all the stuff :)

Battery is dying (from playing all my games; I'm totally addicted. A
bit unhealthy for someone my age!) I hope the music lasts me til my
stop. It's still 50/50 whether I'll be late or not.

Wearing the most random/shite outit ever. Navy blue linen dress that I
was going to west with tights but it's so short you can see my belly I'm wearing it with blue jeans. As an entire outfits inc
accessories and jacket I look nice (if i do say do myself lol) but
when it's just dress, jeans and shoes I look like a tramp. A colour
blind one cos my blues don't match.

I'm still having bad dreams about work and things going wrong. I can't
wait to just get the thing started, the bad dreams should stop then.
All I'm doing is 'revising' and plannig planning planning. "if you
fail to plan, you plan to fail".

Preferably I want to be off the train in 9minutes. Possible of the
train driver puts his foot down! Lol

Hope you all have a great day and enjoy the sunshine (while I'm stuck
in a basement folding t shirts!)


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