Friday, 23 April 2010

Ignorance is bliss

Argh!! Neighbours at hell at it again. Number 5, same floor but not
too near me.

I take out the trash (about an hour ago) and on my way back to my
apartment I bump into the resident moaner (love him!!) and a lady
(well, a female grown up Chav so not quite a lady), neither of whom
live on my floor. Turns out moaner dude lives above flat 5 and lady
chav lives below and there are two dogs in there barking like crazy so
they were coming to Check out the source.

My problem is that I didn't even notice the crazy barking but now it's
all I can hear and it's driving me loco!!! When is the owner coming
back home?! Do dogs get tired of barking?!

Woof woof woof Woof (doggie language for aarrgghhh!!!!!)


  1. p never gets tired of barking!

  2. Hi anonymous,

    thank you very much for your comment.

    Well...your words of wisdom do worry me. But since I've spent time with 'p' I know that he's not always barking.

    Liar liar pants on fire!!!


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