Saturday, 17 April 2010

Neighbours from hell

As the title suggests the neighbours from hell have moved in. Actually
they're not my immediate neighbours but one door down but because we
share the same corridoor I suffer from their bad behaviour.

Actually, I keep referring to 'them' when officially it's 'she' but
that's part of the problem. The boyfriend smokes in the corridoor
which not only stinks and makes my apartment stink (to be fair I can't
smell it but I can feel the smoke) but it's dangerous, what if he sets
my welcome mat on fire and I don't realise?!

They or he also have a dog. A big noisy horse dog. I don't appreciate
sharing my corridoor with a dog either. And if it ever poops or pees
in the carpark or communal areas I will eat it.

And what makes me laugh is that bumped into I guess estate
agent? The dude who sold me the place...on the day NFH moved in and he
was saying how lovely she was and blah blah blah be nice to her shell
be lonely etc Er yeah, didn't know the boyfriend was living there too
did u frank?

Sorry frank doesn't get anonymity cos he makes my blood simmer. I
viewed the place twice. Once with my bro and his gf an once with my
parents. Both times frank treated me like a total div just cos I look
like I'm 12. And he is a lovely man but so condesending (sp?!) and
I've been treated that way by so many people for so long I just want
to kick them. A million times. In the head.

He only treated me like a grown human being when I put down the
deposit. And he's always trying to find out what I do for a living. I
rob banks old man so eff off you got your commission.

Ok ok take penny off the simmer now!

So what do I do about NFH? I feel bad to report her but I feel angry
with myself for being so passive yet again. Someone else on my floor
has put up signs so I'm hoping that if it doesn't stop (and it won't
cos they're disrespectful chavs) then someone will take it up with
whoever necessary.

Or maybe the horse dog will eat both of them.

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