Apologies in advance for this super lame post. Basically I was planning to use today and tomorrow to post some topical (or something with an actual point) stuff but then i woke up sick as a dog (well actually i went to bed sick as a dog, and woke up as a sicker dog) and so i really don't have the energy to engage my brain cells and to hook up my camera etc.
Erm, so basically this is a post to say that i am sick......*sad face*
I'm well gutted cos I seldom get 2 whole days off work and i had so much planned. I wanted to do 'good' posts, super clean my apartment and then hang out with my mum tomorrow cos she's off work too. Reality was: I did nothing today. I stayed in bed and played on ipenny and read a book. And then when i finished the book i moved onto my sofa and played on my laptop (watched latest doctor who episode) and started a second book. I've only had 1 meal today (rice porridge) and its just gone 10pm and i'm not even hungry.
Also, spoke to my mum and tomorrow is up in the air: depends on how i am in the morning. This has nothing to do with me and how i actually feel but to do with damage/germ control; I don't want to see my mum if theres a high risk of her getting sick too (aka she doesnt want to see me).
And the other reason why i'm gutted is cos i bought loads (slight exaggeration) of groceries on friday ready for the bank holiday weekend and i havent been able to cook or eat. Apart from losing your appetite when I'm ill I also can't bear to handle raw meat. I wanted chicken wings at some point but the thought of having to clean and marinate them make my stomach turn....(which is why i really hope my mum does come to see me cos then she can cook the chicken wings!!!)
Well, I hope that you are in better health then moi.
Goodnight x
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