Saturday, 1 May 2010

Pinch punch

On the way home from my Saturday job now. The time didn't fly by like
I was hoping but overall it was a good day.

A massive congratulations to the (ex) assistant store manager who is
marrying his fiancé in Scotland today. Well gutted that I couldn't go
(no money). L has fine with T so I hope they are having a great time.

It is raining and loads of traffic in the Westminster area. When I
went to lunch at 1pm the sun was beating down so god knows what
happened to that.

For lunch I had a salad and chicken wings and water. Needless to say I
am currently starving on the bus. I think I might have a million bacon
sarnies when I get home, perfect 'meal' rain or shine!!

Speaking to S from work today about my blog....she said she can't
comment below because you have to sign up and stuff so I'm going to
check the settings and see if I can change it....I'll post an update
if I do change it.

Really can't believe it's may already!! I can still remember typing my
new year's blog entry and my resolution to update. I guess now would
be a good time to admit that Im no linger entering the gmtv £25000 (I
think it's £24000 now, credit crunch?!) competition. 2 reasons
really: trying to not watch gmtv so much cos it slows me down in the
morning and I need every second to get ready and out of the door at a
reasonable time, and becase I'm too lazy to go online and enter, it's
quite a slow process. I guess that's the end of my £25000 dream!

Today I found out that I have to book my annual leave for the year
(now til march 2011). I had 45 hours which equates to basically 5
shifts or 6 shifts and I lose a bit of pay. I've already booked 2 days
for the July wedding so I've got 3/4 days left....I always feel like
I'm signing my soul to the devil when I plan that far ahead!!! Usually
it's much more stressful because I wouldt know when I'm taking my bog
holiday but this time it's not really a biggie since I realy can't
imagine me being able to afford to get on a plane before marxh 2011.
And if by some miracle I find myself wiping arse with £50 notes I
could use it to pimp my house and buy proper nice food :) Just not
having to worry about bills would be a holiday for me!

Wow, apart from the shite weather and bits of traffic this is the best
bus journey; I'm on the top deck and including myself there's only 6
other passengers so no loud tourists getting on my nerves.

Ooooh my 3 blessings:
1. The good bus journey as just mentioned
2. the visit to Wrexham
3. Got to spend quality time with a superviser who doesn't usually do

Ok, half way to Liverpool st sation, time to crank up the volume on my
ipenny :)

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