Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Home sweet home

[image courtesy of google images; using the elephant as it is a lucky symbol]

This isn't another blog about how much I love my shoebox. This is
about how much I love my home England.

Life is ok if you're biggest worry is 'cocopops or toast for
breakfast?' or whether I should have chicken burger or chicken wings
for lunch.

Life isn't bad if the worst thing that has happened today is that my
nail polish chipped or that "damn they don't have normal chicken so I
have to pay 10p extra for a spicy burger".

I know I've blogged before about how I hate it when people respond to
my complaints of starvation by saying "you don't know what starvation
is" or if I say I'm tired and they say "at least I have a job/at least
u don't have to scurrage through rubbish dumps".

This post isn't about that. It's about the truth of the world, of
things beyond me or you.

People starve. People suffer at the hands of others. People die. It's
a cruel cruel world. And yes this happens in England too, and in huge
numbers beyond my comprehension but at this moment I am ok and I know
my loved ones here are ok.

Imaging living in Thailand at the moment. For recent years Thailand
has been a peaceful country, known as the land of smiles. Bad things
happen there too but at this particular moment it's affecting people
who probably popped out for noddles and ended up caught in bombings.

I'm not too sure what I'm trying to say. I want world peace? Or
selfishly, I want peace in my two homes, England and Thailand.

Please may this end soon.

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