Saturday, 1 May 2010

I <3 Wrexham

Hello everybody!

So, I went to Wrexham (in Wales) on Wednesday and got back to London
Thursday night. I went for 'business reasons'.

I went with my managers (A and M) and a lady from a different office
(J) made up our jolly group of 4.

It was such a laugh!!! As you guys know I don't like to leave known
surroundings but honestly I was laughing so much I didn't hve time to
freak out.

So Wednesday morning I went into my office because we're currently
training people so wanted to touch base and set them up with tasks
over out absence. Left a bit after 12pm (after I changed out of my
office clothes and into leggings, flats and a long top) and caught the
train from euston to Chester and then Chester to Wrexham. The journey
was 50/50 great/crap. It was great because of the company; i sat with
M and like I said we had jokes all the way. But it was also awful
because apart fromthe air con being out of order there was also
something wrong with the heating so they couldn't turn it off/down so
it was absolutely boiling. Train was packed but they were moving
'vulerable' customers ie people with young children into first class
because it was that hot. I offered to pretend to be M's child but he
declined so we put up with the heat. I think I lost about 6stones lol
(thumbs down for virgin trains).

Got to the hotel a bit after 5. The hotel was gorgeous and the staff
friendly, and if for any reason i find myself in Wrexham again I would
be more then happy to say there again (thumbs up for Wrexham ramada!)

We checked in an agreed to meet in the hotel bar in an hour. I
unpacked and filmed a room tour and then took a shower (felt so good
after that sardine tin!) and got dressed up. It was nice wearing heels
but knowing your flats are only a lift ride away.

Well we basically drank from 6pm-12am (I was on diet cokes and
lemonades) with a short break for dinner. Dinner was delicious!! 3
course meal, I had: chicken liver parfait with spicy fruit chutney for
starters, steak with mushroom and mustard sauce for mains and a
chocolate fudge cake with icecream for dessert. Happy tummy :)

Thursday: I got a wake up call at 7am (as requested at reception when
I checked in). Everyone else requested there's for 8am but I needed
the time to preen myself!!

As I got dressed I had the tv tuned into gmtv which was nice, made mr
feel not so far from home.

I wore a black pencil skirt and my peterpan collar heart print top.
Went down breakast (included in room price) and ate some lovely yummy
sausages, hashbrowns and mushrooms.

When I went back to my room to pack away the last bits of pieces i
decided to change my top cos I they clashed with my shoes; wore my
chiffon fly button top with fluttery sleeves instead.

We cheked out and caught a cab to the office, got there super early as
it was about a 5minute drive away!

The Wrexham office was great and it was def worth the trip, learned
loads. And super jealous cos they have a canteen in their building!

Left there a bit after 3pm to catch the 4pm train to Chester and then
the 4.35 train back to euston. I must say, apart from the heating
issues on the way in the trains were good: clean and all 4 trains were
on time.

Got to Stratford and treated myself to a Chinese takeaway and got in
doors about 8.30pm.

Home sweet home. Fingers crossed fr more business trips in the near

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