Sunday, 30 May 2010

Jennifer's HOT! *Total Spolier*

Finally finished watching Jennifer's Body, just over 3 hours for a 100min film, actually quite good for me, it could have easily taken me the whole afternoon (not that it was bad).

(FYI: Basically, the reason why it takes me so long to get through a movie is cos I keep getting distracted. I'll be blogging, stalking Taylor, internet shopping, cooking/eating, or even reading a book. So I watch about 10mins of the film ,'take a break', 10mins of film, 'take a break' and so on and so forth.)

So I've been meaning to see this movie for ages (cos I heart Megan Foxxxxxxx!) but sat down to watch it once and in under 30secs i got bored and distracted and well, game over basically. I am very happy that I gave it a second go, I enjoy it, and if you are not too much of a 'up your arse poser' then I recommend you watch it too.


Ok, I've warned you in big red bold writing so if you're still reading, here's the last warning: I am going to write about the film, and if you haven't seen it and you don't like to know what happen's then STOP READING!!! NOW!!!

So basically Foxxxxx plays Jennifer, a hot school girl from the lil town Devil's Kettle. She is BBF with Anita 'Needy', played by Amanda Seyfried (whom I loved in this movie but no homo), one of them says of their friendship; "sandbox love never dies". Their friendship is weird (in hollywoods eyes) becasue Jen is so gorgeous and Needy is a plain jane geek. She even wears glasses *GASP*

So anyway the girls go to a party in a bar cos Jen wants to see a band (lead singer played by Adam Brody from The OC in eyeliner, how indie). Bar randomly catches on fire. The girls see people burning and getting squashed by falling burning building bits. Traumatic. Girls in shock (especially Jen). Needy knows a way out; they crawl out a bathroom window. Catching breath outside. Instead of going home Jen ends up in the band's van despite Needy saying they should leave.

Blah blah blah basically the band think she is a virign and in order to succeed in the indie world they've decided to make a sacrifice to the devil. (The next bit we don't find out til later ---->) They sing a song, chop her up and leave her for dead. Unfortunately Foxxxxx is no virgin (don't worry, the band still reap the reward though and they get signed woo hoo) so rather then just be dead, her body has been taken over by a demon (but she's still her though....idk whatever). Demon needs to eat flesh to stay alive. She loves proper sexy when she's fed, and ugly "for her" when she's hungry.

[both images courtesy of google]

So she eat's a few boys from her highschool, leaves Colin the Emo/Goth looking like "lasagne with teeth" blah blah blah. Ends up in Needy's bedroom in knickers and knee highs, bit of girl on girl action at 59mins and 30 seconds. Tells Needy the story of what happened with the band, cos BBF's don't keep secrets from each other duh. Jen doesn't really know what the dealio is, we viewers know afterwards becasue geeky Needy does some research in her school library.

Anyway, Needy plans to stop the carnage. On prom night Jen decides to munch on Needy's boyfriend (sad when he dies, his last words were touching, but it doesnt distract me from the fact he is a cheating scumbucket who cheated on Needing. Kissing = Cheating. Hell, even thinking about kissing = cheating!!!!!!) Needy has spidey sense and manages to find them. The girls ahve a fight in a old swimming pool full of weeds and scummy water. They could have made this scene way much better with a bit of nudity. Everyone was fully dressed at all times. What a wasted opportunity :(

For some reason Jen legs it. Goes home. Moping on her bed (in short shorts) Needy come crashing through the window. They fight. Needy kills Jen (stabbed her through the heart).

The End!

But I forgot to mention, when the film starts we meet Needy (the narrator) when she is in jail/mental jail something like that. She is a 'kicker'. She gets letters from fans and jesus lovers. Blah blah blah film ends. She's been telling her story from the special cell they've locked her in (for kicking the shit out of a worker) and she itches the bite mark she got during the final bedroom fight. And basically, she tells us that if you get bitten my a demon and live, you get some of the demons powers. And then we notice she is hovering. She then kicks out the window (this girl is like a donkey dude!) and marches straight out. She hitches a ride, and basically she kills all the band members.


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