Sunday, 30 May 2010

Celebrity Crushes over the years

I do offer my sincere apologies for my sudden Taylor Lautner obsession btw. I was going to try to suppress it but then i thought, this is my blog, and i can read this when i am old and grey (and he'll be 25 lol) and laugh at myself.

So with that in mind, I am going to recall my celebrity crushes:

In some sort of order:

Number 1 was definitely Mr Johnny Depp. An unoriginal and uninspired celebrity crush but he is one of the most beautiful men ever. Put him in a wig and heels and he'd probably still be one of the most beautiful women ever too lol I had books on him, stickers and my pride and joy, my wall size movie poster courtesy of R and J who stole him and delivered it to my front door. Thank you for walking the streets with my dreamboat lol

Another classic crush - Brad Pitt. He is just undeniably yummy (well....i would deny him these days with that beard he's rocking).

And then my next few years (maybe a decade) was spent crushing on real people, stalking 6th formers etc.

My next big crush that I remember is Ollie from a defunct boyband called Point Break:

[image courtesy of google]

No idea how I came across them. But anyway, Ollie is the blond one. I bought their album. I was in their fanclub. I wrote to them and they wrote back!!! (Which is more then can be said for Johnny Depp!) And the most amazing thing that happened is that when they released a single (can't remember what one) they put all their fans name's onto the whatchamacallit....the paper sleeve that came with the tape. How cool is that?! This crush didn't last long (neither did the band).

Skip another few years and my next humungous crush was Milo Ventimiglia, best known as Peter Petrelli from Heroes. My obsession for darling Milo mirrors my current obsession for jailbait Taylor very closely, and I am worried for my sanity. Milo started off as wimpy Peter Petrelli (and also wimpy badboy Jess in my fav series Gilmore Girls). I started googling and youtubing 24/7. I've seen every clip there is to see, and if he has appeared for more then 3 seconds 10 years ago then I've seen that too. And then he took his top off. OMFG!!!!!!!!!!! I start googling and youtubing even more!! I start getting posters from friends (thanks C!), Milo chocolate bars (thanks V!), my obsession is so big even my mum knows who Milo is. I have a folder on my favourites just full of Milo links, and I have a folder of pics of him too. I am a loser.

Next crush (though i really can't remember if this was pre or post Milo) was Adrian Grenier, best known as Vince from Entourage. This obsession fizzled out really quickly simply because apart from Entourage and a teen flick he hasn't been in much; a few random independent projects but nothing big and you need something to fire that obsession. I can only google search so much before i give up!!! He is beautiful though. *sigh*

Erm....and that leads me to today. Lil Taylor Lautner. <3


  1. Hahahahahaha oh pen! Who could forget milo ... I will always remember that part of our lives, vividly! You little
    minx. That was more than an obsession ... You needed to burn that off and one day he just disappeared, I'm sure if he came knocking on your front door you would never turn him away though!

  2. LMAO I am mental. I need help! But you're right, I would never turn Milo away!


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