So yesterday after work I decided to pop into Boots (the one in Liverpool Street station - it's great!).
Funnily enough if you read the previous post ('I've been tangoed') I went into Boots because I wanted to buy some fake tan. I've used loads of tanning lotions; everytime they go on special offer i stock up and they all turn me orange. So i went in with the aim to buy a 'posh' tan, a garnier spray tan or something like that, maybe even St Tropez. But even the decent cheap one's were £15 and to be honest the reason why i think my tans are so dodgy as well as orange is due to my slapdash application technique. So with that in mind i skipped the 'posh' tanners. The one i ending up using yesterday was one i brought last year (oops!) for about £1 from wilkinsons.
Anyway, since I was in Boots I thought it would be rude as well as morally wrong not to have a browse. I wish i bloody didn't though. I wish i picked up a £15 spray tan and left cos i ended up spending nearly £60!!!!! I only have 42p in my bank account :(
All my shopping is below:
From left to right we have:
Elnett Hair Spray in 'normal' - £1.99. I've never been a user of hairspray before. I'm not sure what the point of it was but i've been meaning to get one ever since V came to stay at my house. Her hairstyle (aka not an alaborate up-do) didn't seem the sort that require hairspraying but she did so i thought i would give it a go to. Just got a tiny spray can since i have the feeling this will be a short lived fad.
Expert Dry Shampoo - £1.95. I was meaning to pick up Batiste but i saw this and it was £1 less so i thought 'why not?'. The 'Expert' range is basically Boots' take on the most popular products on the market. At the end of the day dry shampoo is talcum powder out of a nozzle so how wrong could it be?
Satincare in sensitive - £2.99. Summer is hair. Need smooth limbs to complement my orange tan lol I was well gutted because i could see signage for a special deal on the Expert Shaving gel but the whole shelf was out of stock!
Bic Soleil Scent - £3.59 for 4. There were other much cheaper disposable razors but i'm really clumsy with a blade so this one is slightly safer for me. And I've used these before and they're pretty good. I'm thinking of buying an epilator but in my mind that's a very expensive fad (the one i want is over £100!).
All about Eyes serum - £22. This is a total impulse buy. I should stop browsing at make up counters because i always get lured into buying some random piece of crap. This is basically a 'de puffing eye massage roll on'. I have no bags under my eyes or dark circles so i can't even use it and review it so I'm going to give it to my mum. She likes eye stuff.
All about eyes - £20. Basically an eye cream. I love this, it's my favourite eye cream. And I've been meaning to buy this cos I've run out. This is my 4th pot i think. I was going to buy 2, one for me and one for mum, but then got hypnotised by all the marketing for the roll on.
And the white with red piping bag pictured is my free gift for buying two clinique products (has to be treatment product s- no make up!:
It is the 'redness solutions' kit. In my opinion this is the ugliest and skankiest free gift ever. The make up bag is ugly ugly ugly and cheap looking and a stupid shape and size. And the products are laughable. I should have bought my eye stuff at a department store so that i could get my hands on better looking freebies. And the fact that they make you buy 2 treatment products is also a joke. Usually it's one skincare product and whatever. RIP OFF BOOTS SHAME ON YOU.
I did spend a lot of money on crap but it is summer and this is my summer prep kit i guess so hopefully it's more of an investment. And apart from the shaving stuff i doubt i'l have to repurchase the other bits for a few months at least.
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