Apologies again for being behind with 'the challenge'. Been a very busy few days but I'll update you on that later maybe (but my main blogging focus is obviously challenge posts so we'll see how I get on).
With no further ado, here is a photo that makes me really really angry and overwhelmingly sad:

I'm not what I'd call an animal person. I'm barely a people person so to me animals are way way way off the scale. If I was on a desert island and had an option of being stranded with a pet, I'd choose to go solo (unless the pet was Jacob from Twilight haha).
Cruelty against elephants breaks my heart. I do not know why. My mum finds it really random. The reason why I think it effects me is because I am from Thailand, and in Thailand you have elephants walking along the road in Bangkok (and elsewhere). I am not pointing fingers or judging you, but me personally, I would never support elephant cruelty by paying to have a photo taken with/on an elephant or pay to feed it a banana. I feel really strongly about this. Whenever I say I am from Thailand a lot of people will mention elephants and I just grit my teeth and clench a smile and ignore the questions. I am not going to preach but I am not going to encourage it either.
To me, elephant cruelty doesn't have to be as portrayed in the photo - it's just the fact that the elephant is being forced to do things, or taken out of a comfortable habitat (being in London zoo is better than being forced to give people rides and then not fed if noone buys banana's for it).
Elephants are old wise creatures. Of course no human or animal should be treated badly, but elephants are definitely my 'thing'.
So yeah. Now I am riled and have to do two more challenge posts! ARGH lol
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