This is a picture I took in Thailand 2008.
This was the last time I went to Thailand. It was a bittersweet trip; it was literally a last minute thing; basically my mum got a call on Friday (for example I can't remember the days now) to say my Gran was really ill, might die type thing and to come asap, and then 2/3 days later me and my mum were on a plane to Thailand.
It was the toughest trip of my life, simply due to where we were actually going - to be honest I was more emotionally all over the place for my mum, not my gran. I hope I don't sound crazy cold but that's the truth - obviously I was beyond devastated to think she was dying but I was so much more upset for what my mum must be going through.
(Erm...I guess this would be a good time to say that my Gran is still alive by the way!!!!!! - Sorry, SF always complains that I tell sad stories and never say things are ok til the end).
My mum and I really bonded on this trip (we fought like cat and dog but closer cat and dog!!) She knew how hard it was for me to be in the middle of (gorgeous) nowhere and plus I spent my life savings to fly us out last minute and for accomodation etc. I am glad I could do that for my mum.
So that's the story behind this picture :)
love u and your mom!