Friday, 10 September 2010

Challenge - Day 26: My week in great detail/Cambridge

So from 6-10 Sept I went to Cambridge for work. I was on a course of sorts. I can't go into the detail because of the nature of my work but I just wanted to share with you some photo's from my free time.

I had the most amazing time. The thing I was on was intense but also fun. I left with my mind, heart and tummy at maximum capacity!!

As you can see from my photo's Cambridge is a beautiful place, especially the college I was staying at (King's College). My days started at 6-6:30am and didn't end before 6pm and we had a free hour before dinner was served at 7:45pm so we never left the college grounds (we could have but everything was closed) but on the Thursday we had 2 free hours to prepare for a gala dinner so we spent a bit of time outside and I'm glad cos we all know how much I love to get snap happy.

(Actually I lied - I did leave the grounds on Wednesday - a friend (who is living in Cambridge) came to see me, but this was around 8:30pm so we were just walking around in the dark but it was fun though).

Apart from the stuff I learned, in the past week I met some lovely people and I ate the most amazing food I've ever eaten in my life. Dinner was 3 course silver service each evening; I took pictures of every dinner/every course, here are a few pics to whet your appetite :)

We stayed in college accomodation, as you can see it wasn't five star but it was very clean and totally fine for five nights.....really looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight though!!

The image below will be my legacy at the event. Basically we were all getting ready for our gala dinner. I had just showered and washed my hair and was in my room butt naked when the frigging fire alarm went off. I paused for a few minutes swearing very loudly and then I threw on the clothes I had been wearing in the day and ran out onto the lawn where everyone was assembled. I was embarrassed to be standing amongst 100 new professional acquaintances with a towel on my head but hey, at least I know now that I value my life more then I am vain!!!

A sneaky facilitator had also taken a photo of me unaware and at our closing lecture it was put up on screen for everyone to have a laugh at - I was mortified but the photo she took was a good angle thank god!!!

And finally, the shifty looking bunch below were my group, the best group ever. Aren't we a good looking bunch? :)

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