Friday, 10 September 2010

Challlenge - Days 27-29

Hey Guys,

Finally reached the last few challenges for the 30 Day challenge, thank goodness! Some I found fun but some were a bit blah so I am happy I've (fianlly) reached the end.

Just to recap what I have left:

Day 27 — This month, in great detail
Day 28 — This year, in great detail
Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy

This is really cheeky, but I'm officially skipping days 27 and 28 because I really can't a) remember b) be bothered to talk about my month and year in 'great detail', so that leaves me to talk about my hopes, dreams and plans.

I just want to be ok, to be happy. To wake up and be happy that I made it through the night. It use to always annoy my mum that I didn't have mega aspirations but actually it has served me well. Instead of dreaming and wishing I've just solidly trudged away at life and I am happy enough with my lot now. Yes, I wish I earned sh*tloads of money and could eat caviar for breakfast but I'm lucky enough. I love my job and the people I work with. I don't have a ton of friends but the friends I have are worth more than their wight in gold (or even more than MY weight in gold!!!). I can't afford to turn on my heating but hey at least I have penny palace, and hey, I have tons of clothes to layer up in lol

Small dreams - I hope that my legs start looking better soon: hair-wise the epilator has worked wonders on my legs but I'm marked up like an abused donkey!

I want an iphone, or a fancy smartphone. Upgrade is in March 2011 so looks like this dream will not be coming true very soon, but I am patient.

.......yeah, that's about right: I want nicer legs and a fancy phone. Shallow - moi!?


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