Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Do I like this?

So a while ago I wrote a post about how much I wanted a playsuit and tah da I went onto to have a look-see at the new stock and look what I've found!

Ok, I admit it, I'm not overly impressed. I am 'in like' not 'in love'. And actually I'm not even sure if I am 'in like' - the main problem I guess is the block print. It's a bit much for me. And the 2nd problem is the wrapover front. I cannot do wrapover. There's this whole lie surrounding fat women and the wonders of the wrapover and I totally don't get it.

But anyway, I'm not going to get this (esp as it's £36) but strangely enough I tried on a playsuit in primark today. It was gorgeous and it suited me (but I didn't buy it cos it was toooooo small) so the hunt for a playsuit is still on. I hope I find one. And I am looking forward to having one for winter cos it means I'll be able to wear it with tights and look like less of a sket ;)

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