Monday, 27 September 2010

not enough love...


Well, after I posted my last entry my fingers were just itching to get onto some lovelinks action BUT though I like to shop shop shop I am not totally stupid so instead of getting the lovelinks or a string I did the next best thing....I got a lovelinks copy aka FAKE. YAY!

[Above image: not the one I got, I think it's a genuine.
All images courtesy of google images apart from the scrabble tile]

I'm sure this is just a fad of mine that I will quickly get bored of so I think I've made a good decision...I guess I'll know by this time next week (free p+p so I'm not expecting it to get here super fast but who knows!)

So all I need now is a pendant/charm of some sort. As I haven't really worn a necklace type thing before I have no idea what to go for, plus I have the harder task of rocking a piece of leather. I'm sure a wolf tooth would go with the leather but I'm not really a wolf tooth type of girl....

I have two ideas in my head:
look 1 = cute and quirky; which I could wear on Saturdays so just about anything would go. At least I don't need to worry about a colour palette as I'm usually in black or cream.
look 2 = pretty and sophisticated; this would be for work and is a toughie as my work clothes wouldn't be an obvious choice but I'm sure I'll think of something........I dunno....

Below is a scrabble tile pendant. Pixie Lott wore one in a MV and it's cute, def a Saturday charm, what do you think?

Next is my cute frog! The image is not accurate, I just google searched this one as the ebay one is protected or something; only problem with froggy is that he'll probably be upside down most of the time...

And then I've got my elephant. There are some really gorgeous one's on the market, but quite pricey so I'd have to get something plain like this...or maybe wait for my birthday?

And lastly, how cool is this?! It's a Miss Piggy pendant, one of a kind supposedly. But at a starting bid price of £18 I will never be wearing this, it's just not worth it for a fad :( But hey, if I end up rocking my leather string for 5 years then I will get this if it's still around!

Ok boy I need to get myself offline cos a) I'll be bankrupt with nothing to show but a handful of beads and b) it's frigging 1am and I wanted to be at work for 8am.

Goodnight folks xoxo

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