Monday, 25 October 2010

Barry M - Black Magic Instant Nail Effect

[crap close up]


I am very happy, I have managed to get my hands on Barry M's 'Black Magic, an instant nail effect paint.

I wrote about it on a previous post not long ago and I'm happy I got it so quickly. And the better news is that I got it for a bargain price. I heart bargains :)

RRP is £3.95 but I got it when a 2 for £5 offer was on at Superdrugs (bless you Stratford. So I got 2 black magic's for a fiver instead of £7.90, but not because of my usual bulk-buy tendacies, but for my mate R who wanted one too.

Anyway, lets get to the fun bit, photo time!!!

[naked nails]

[chosen base colour was Barry M's Lemon ice cream]



Super duper cool!
Does what it says on the bottle, no hassle instant effect.
Very fast - the black magic dries in like, 10 seconds!
Bargain price, even at normal RRP
You can change the effect (big/small cracks) by how thick you paint your nails


Tooo fast!!! - Because my nails are long, I could barely paint my nail before it dried and started cracking, and overlap of black magic is a no-no, but I think it's still great.


I love it!!! It's really fun and watching it dry is fascinating lol I can't wait to try it over different colour bases and see the different effects.

If you like what you see in the pictures then I would recommend you to purchase it to. Obviously it's not everyone's cup of tea.

One concern I have, and this is a personal concern, is can I rock this nail look at work!? It's a bit OTT and flashy....and not very 'professional' (unless I was a trendy hooker lol). But I am going to wear it tomorrow and hopefully I won't get any frowns of disapproval.

What do you think? Be honest!


[EDIT!! FYI: Really important to let the base colour dry. And also, once my base colour and black magic were on and dried, I slicked on a coat of clear polish. ]


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