Friday 22 October 2010

Nail Paint Stalking Session

Hi Guys,


It's been a while, but I have fallen in love and am on a major huntage for a nail polish. Barry M's Black Magic to be precise.

It's not a normal nail paint, it's a 'nail effect'. Basically you paint your nail in whatever colour you want, wait for it to completely dry, then you paint the 'black magic' on top and you end up with a crackle effect, with the base colour showing through the black 'cracks'.


Searched my local superdrugs with no luck :( but i will not give up ...(i ain't desperate enough - yet - no pay for postage and package!)

This crackle effect polish is not a new invention, a few brands did it a while ago but i guess since we (I) are more nail obsessed these days and barry m is so accessible in the UK it has a whole new lease of life.

Fingers crossed I get my hands on this, can't wait to show you!


The image below [thanks google images!] shows an example of the crackle effect using 'mia secrets' in blue...barry m only has black at the moment.

So the person painted their nails in...I don't knowm nude or a grey? and then painted a layer of blue crackle on top. As the blue dries, it cracks. The lighter you paint the smaller the cracks, the thicker you paint the bigger the cracks. COOL!


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