Saturday, 23 October 2010

Not-so-Smart Phone

Hi Guys!

So I really really really want a new mobile. But I'm not good with all this technology stuff; it's pretty amazing I blog!

The crap news is that I'm not due an upgrade until March 2011, but at least this gives me plenty of time to research and make up my mind on what I want.

Apart from the fact I'm a techno moron, my other problem is budget. I would like a fancy phone but I can't afford/don't want to pay big bucks, so it does limit me somewhat.

But in my usual way, despite complaining about cost I am going to tell you which phones I'm currently interested in and you'll see I haven't really given any regards to the price....but thats the joy of upgrading duh!

Before I say which phones, here are some of the important things (to me) that need to be considered:

  • Easy to use - I don't want a phone that I can't figure out how to unlock/lock, or how to answer a call!!
  • A good camera - they might not always make it online but I do take a lot of pictures for my blog, and plus, my actually camera is crap so I basically use my camera phone as a camera.
  • Easy to blog from!!! - this is my most important thing. Because, in my view, all phones these days, esp the smart phones, are very decent and for me it would be a matter of chosing which one i like the most cosmetically, but because of this blogging malarkey I do need a phone that I can snap a good pic with and then pop it onto 'blogger' with a caption or an essay.
  • Pretty - I want a sleek fancy phone.

  • Iphone 4 - standard! I think the main thing stopping this from being my choice is the lack of a decent bargain with t mobile.....and I am also under the impression the camera doesn't have flash?
  • Samsung Gaaxy S - noone seems to be a fan of this, but when i went to cambridge i met up with S and he has this phone and he seemed to like it a lot and I trust his technological view. Plus it seemed to work in a similiar way to an iphone so at least I'd be able to make and receive calls lol
  • HTC Desire - this only just made the shortlist since yesterday. So i know nothing about it. Apart from it comes in brown?! WTF?
  • A blackberry - i had a blackberry before and i hated it. But this was yeeears ago and i had no internet so that was pretty crap. I am still not a fan of the blackberry, its a bit chunky, but everyone seems to love it so....i have no idea about all the different styles though. And I would like a blackberry because i want to stick some bling on it! lol
So out of my shortlist, what do you think? Best? Worst?

Please comment below, in particular if you know anything about blogging functions and also, what does 500mb equate to?

Thanks :)

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