Friday, 7 January 2011

One of those days..

I actually wrote this on 14th december but never finished it. And just
shy of month its one of those days again

[14/12/2010...Argh! Woe is me :( i had 'one of those days' and feeling
really drained now.

I didnt have a full blown turn and thank god no tears at work but
totally duuuuh brained. On the way home and of course having a really
crap journey. Delays and sardines argh!!

But nevermind tommorow is another day and hopefully it will be cant really be worse!]

Back to the present day. My day as a whole was ok actually. But the
was all tears on the frigging train journey but by midday i was ok.

One of my biggest fears is that one day i'll need to get off the train
mid way and ill be stranded in the middle of nowhere. And apart from
feeling drained, my brain just goes...somewhere faraway ...and my
power of speech sometimes desserts
me too. How would i ask for help?! Its scary cos ive been in this
position a few times and i know that you have to ask for help. Noone
offers help. Noone asks if you are ok.

We live in hard times.

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