(spying/eavesdropping) on 3 school girls. Pretending to listen to
penny pod but nothing on. All i need is sunglasses!
I think they're maybe 13 or 14.
The thing that strikes me most about these girls and the others i see
on my travels is the lack of winter clothing. I'd say that out of
every 15 school girls, only 1 will be wearing what I'd consider a
jacket/coat suitable for winter. The others will just have on school
uniform and a scarf; maybe gloves and the geeky and/or trendy might
sport a hat.
How do they survive the cold?! And all they were on their feet are
pumps. I find it baffling.
However if i cast my mind back i think
I was once one of these Weird Girls. But i had an excuse. A decade or
so ago and coats were ugly/out of my mums price range. i'd rather
freeze then wear a ugly coat (and believe me, everything is ugly when
u try to match it to your brown and yellow uniform...)
However!! Schoolgirls of 2011 do not have this excuse. One word
Primark. Nuff said!! '20-30 gets you something on trend and practical.
These girls
Cant all be anti-primarni. If they are, then shame on them!
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