Sunday, 21 October 2012

Product review - (eye) make up remover

Garnier's simply essentials soothing 2 in 1 make-up remover. I picked this up at Superdrugs and it was on promotion so I paid about £1.60.

I'd run out of my beloved tesco eye make up remover and needed something to use until I did my next online grocery shop.

Many moons ago I'd use baby oil but where I wear so much eye make up usin baby oil is a messy and time consuming process. I just end up smearing crap everywhere. So I'm not fussy or snobby when it comes to eye make up remover but I do need something quite strong but at the same time suitable for my sensitive skin.

This promised to remove water proof make up yet contained no alcohol or perfume and it was cheap so I chimed it into my basket.

It's one of those formulas that you have to shake to activate. I really enjoy doing this. The liquid is half blue and half clear and then after you shake it it's all one colour.

Squirt some onto a cotton pad and wipe away.

This works really fast and you dot have to rub, just a firm wipe works.
No irritation - no redness, no dryness, no stinging. A joy to use

I hate The squirty out bit
Of the lid. About 87% of the time when I'm trying to squirt some remover onto my cotton pad I'll end up soaked.

This isn't a terrible con but the product is a tiny bit greasy. With the tesco remover it was like using water. This I e leaves a slight film on your skin. Which actually feels moisturising and plus you'd cleanse afterwards anyway but I thought I'd mention it because the first week of using this daily it did annoy me a bit but I don't notice now.

So....would I recommend?

Well I've already repurchased another one even though I've got plenty left so yes I'd definitely recommend.

In the future I'll probably go back to the tesco one just because it's cheaper. But I've used lancome's and Clinique's before and garnier is just as good!

Autumn 2012 favourites

It's been a while since I've done any sort of in and out post we go! First up is X Factor. To be honest I haven't been into X Factor that much this year, it's a bit boring and blah blah. And I am getting a bit too old to enjoy the eye candy that is Union J (I love me some pretty boys!). But I am supporting and even voting for RYLAN! Yes. I am the idiot who is voting for him to stay. Don't hate, appreciate!
The above pic is of my new obsession. Body butters from 99p store. OMG. This stuff is good stuff and it's 99p for god's sake! I think raspberry is my favourite because people always say I smell yummy when I use it. Honey and milk is awful. Truly awful - someone told me I smelt like rotten yoghurt. Yeah.
This past month or so I've been having the worst skin. Like, really really bad. I don't know what happened and I'm trying to sort it out but I think I just need to chop of my head and start again!!! But that might be a bit painful, so I did buy some freederm gel. Half price at Superdrug. I'm still not worthy of a Vogue cover but it has calmed down my spots somewhat. And I love how it stings when you put it on. Die spots die!!!
These wipes are from Wilkinsons. I love their wipes but I usually use the normal fragrance free one but due to the awful face I thought I'd give tea tree a go. To be honest I don't notice a difference. But these are super cheap (2 packs for £1) so I can't imagine that the tea tree ratio to tap water would be very high lol But psychologically I feel like I am doing something. Makes sense to me.

Clusters. You need to try these. Heaven. Addictive.
Operation shampoo/keep my hair is still ongoing. I got the shampoo and conditioner for 99p each at the 99p store (my favourite shop lol). Love it. Didn't cause my hair to fall out excessively, didn't irritate my scalp, hair wasn't overly fry. I've finished this now and have a new shampoo and conditioner to try (I'm getting braver with each successful shampoo). I think heads and shoulders had too much silicone and sulphates so I'm label stalking, which is hard when the instructions are in Russian. Will keep you updated.
I saved the best until last. My ultimate favourite. Hailing from South Korea - T.O.P, rapper from Kpop's Big Bang. I think I'll write about my new found obsession (Kpop in general, not just Top) and share the love. I've even learned to speak a bi of Korean. Obsessed I tell ya!Anyway, as the Korean's would say: Annyeong!!! Byyyee xxx

Seefood diet

Seefood diet - I see food and I eat it. Not at all original but funny nonetheless. The weird pic above is homemade prawn toast. A bit burned but really nice.
Home made seafood crispy noodles....apart from the fact that I couldn't get the noodles crispy.
This is salmon in oyster sauce. It was pretty nasty :(
Chocolate cheesecake - stolen from my mum's fridge :)
Gu cake with ice cream = heaven


Hello Everyone! How are we all?
It's me in my brother's Pikachu costume. I think I need to get myself one. It's so warm and cosy!
Do you think I could go on the street like this? Pop to tesco's?

Saturday, 6 October 2012

NOTD: highlighter yellow


This is definitely a marmite thing - for me, it's a dream come true.

I've been on the hunt for a highlighter yellow nail polish (cheapy one) for a while and then randomly my friend picked this up for me at a car boot sale! The brand is London Girl and she paid £1 for it!!!!

Falling into food

Hi guys!

So it's Fall now (autumn to us Brits) and.....ok fine I eat stodgy food all the time.

Biscuits, raspberry crumple, nando's (salad and chips cos that's how I roll - happy birthday DC!), garlic chicken with a dodgy looking peppercorn sauce, and my fav mozzarella ciabatta mmmmm
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