Saturday, 8 March 2014

I cut off my hair!

Hello hello!

Erm, i cut my hair!

I didn't want to start my new job with my ombre - partly because it was orange and partly because it was ratty.

I needed a trim anyway and I just decided that I had to get it chopped off. A lot of people....actually everyone I spoke to.. said to keep my length and suggested I dye over the ombre, but I'm the sort of person that once I've decided something, it's as good as done.  
I made an appointment at Evolutions in Stratford, and saw my usual hair stylist Tracy (she is amazing).
I told her that it was time for the ombre to go. I kind of explained to her that I wanted a long bob, no layers, and that I wanted to "look cool". In my head I was thinking a tidy Alexa Chung, Olivia Palermo type thing. 

As requested, she cut it off.

Admitedly, I hated it. And it's only the last few days that I've started to like it.
I do not have the right type of hair or face shape for a bob, however long. But my hair feels great and is so easy to maintain. My hair is very frizzy and 'kinky' ;) but since I want that slightly messy look it works in my favour. If I was hoping for a sleek and sexy bob then I failed, but I like my messy look. The key is volume, which I don't naturally have, but I'm slowly learning to make the best out of hairspray and dry shampoo (even on freshly washed hair). 

My hair is gone now so I'm not even going to ask about what you think. If I had typed up this post straight after the chop I would have ended this with "hair grows back", but to be honest I am tempted to keep it this length or possibly go even shorter!!!!

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