Tuesday, 29 December 2009


Having a good day so far (well, I woke up at 2.30pm and its only 3.48pm now lol) but with one major let down.....my TV has gone back to being blah blah fuzzy.

Moved into my apartment in June. Got a TV in August (I'm not to much of a tv watcher) and finally had it set up in September. And it wasn't til Christmas eve (!!!!!) that I picked up a reception, since September I could only watch ITV, but for the last few days i had all the channels and freeview. And this today it's gone back to fuzzy 1-5, even ITV is not clear. I am so saaaaaaaaaaaaad :(

Watching Come Dine with Me again as I blog (different bunch of guests, how many times does it come on?!). Awwww the only male guest is in the taxi crying!! He is with 3 big fat giant women/dragons. He is a bit of a lame wimp but they are really cruel to him.

Decided with S and R to do 3 Come Dine with Me type dinner parties by the end of 2010, very excited :) I am thinking of doing a Thai foodie theme, which might sound like a cop out (cos I ish Thai) but actually I don't eat a lot of Thai food and I've never cooked Thai food before (well I've done comfort food but not what I think of as tourist food). But the more I think about the dishes the more I can't be bothered. Even thinking about buying the ingredients is beyond me. I asked my mum what sort of fish i need to buy to make tod mun pla (thai fish cake) and she said "thai fish". What the crap is a thai fish?! Time to google some recipes methinks!

So my good day (I'm on annual leave, back to work tomorrow).....the only plan I had was to sleep in and despite 3 morning calls which woke me up I did stick to the paln. Not going to change out of my PJ's no matter what. Raining outside so super glad to be inside.

I hope you are having a great day, even if you are out in the cold and rain or at work ;p


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