Hello, I hope you all had a brilliant Christmas.
My Christmas miracle is that I now have one blog reader YAY!!!!!!! (Hi Stephen *mwah*)
I was planning to do a '20 facts' thing, but i got up to fact 3 and couldn't think of anything....I'll give it another go when my brain cells are less engaged (I am watching Come Dine with Me).
So, how was your Christmas? What does Christmas mean to you? What did you do? Did you get presents?
My Christmas was great. I was a bit worried of how it would go. This is my first Christmas since I moved out of my parents house. Initially we were going to spend Christmas day at my flat but we decided to do it at my parents instead (thank you baby jesus!). So to me, Christmas is about celebrating Jesus' birthday, which in turn means spending time with loved one and being happy. IF happy means turkey and presents then so be it. If it means midnight mass, cool. If it means Wallace and Gromit and someone getting murdered in Albert Square, then thats cool too.
I think what I am trying to say is that Christmas is Christmas. Please abandon this 'festive season' cr*p. "Wishing you and your loved one a Happy Festive Season". PURLEEEEEASE! I am so worried that the killjoy brigade will be successful in killing Christmas. Generally speaking, what is offensive about Christmas? Do you think the pretty lights on Oxford street is offensive? Why no more navity plays? I don't think the navity is about brainwashing, it is at the end of the day a story. And it's fun. Why deprive future generations of the pride and joy of being a donkey or a wise man?!
And I am not saying this as some "Christmas starts with Christ" person. I call myself a buddalic. Buddhist and Catholic. Both dudes say love, don't hate, so i am sure they won't mind too much that I have merged the two. But anyway, point being, say "Merry Christmas" and smile, whatever you beleive, it's not rocket science.
Peace not War. Especially over silly harmless stuff.
Bye! x
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