I have been living by myself for almost 7 months now. It hasn't been plain sailing but I have loved every second of it all the same.
The thing I found most surprising was how quickly I got use to it, and yet at the same time I still can't get my head around it. I thought I'd be homesick but I wasn't at all. I can count the number of times I've been back to my parents house. It is weird, and a bit sad but that's growing up I guess!
Sometimes I feel like I'm at a hotel; but then I have to take the garbage out and I remember I'm home. Same thing with the bathroom - limescale is my worst enemy. But i find squirting everything with limescale murderer and scrubbing at it with a toothbrush very therapeutic!
My biggest tramp factor is my oven. What is it's problem?! I feel personally offended that it's such a bloody mess. I don't cook a lot (understatement of the year) and I clean it all the time (love the squirty things) so why does it look like I've had it for 24624 years?
I have a love/hate with the palette of my flat. Frankly, it is boring and lacks life. But....after surrounding myself with things that Barbie and Hello Kitty would be jealous of (inc my current desk at work) it is nice to return home to peace and calm.
Still a fair number of hiccups that hopefully (please please please Santa/God) will be sorted in the beginning of 2010. It is appalling the 'customer service' I have received from various companies. My building contractor hang your head in shame. Whirlpool, you deserve bad things. Comet, don't take your customers for granted. British Gas - spend less money on those annoying adverts and more time in training.
I better stop, i'm making my blood boil. *deep breath*
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