(Wow it's 00:00)
So R and S have been and gone. We're like locusts when it comes to
food. I'm surprised we don't eat the sweet wrappers!! Had a very
lovely day.
So we ate greggs (I had a sausage roll and cheese&onion pasty) and
what seemed like a million big bags of crisps, a bit of chocolate and
those 'random' sweets. And then later we had Chinese takeaway (I had
chicken and sweetcorn soup, and Singapore fried rice - gosh it was
spicy!) And then what party would be complete without icecream and
cake? Chocolate cake of course, and cinnamon caramel waffle icecream
and latte icecream. Yum in my tum :) - this wasn't all in one go btw,
this was what we are from 3pm-11:45pm. And we were really good;
usually we drink gallons of fizzy drink but today we had diltute,
aren't we a healthy bunch lol
We watched a few films: 500 days of Summer, a lot like love, and He's
just not that into you. ***SPOILER ALERT*** I'm gonna chat about them
now, so if u don't want to know what happens then please stop reading!
500 days of Summer, did I like it? Yes. Did I love it? No. It was a
'quirky' movie starring zooey dechanel and Joseph Gordon-levitt
(apologies for crap name spellings!!) and it's about a guy falling for
a girl and the movie moves back and forth over the 500 days (zooey's
character is called summer). Basically she's not that into him, she
likes him, they do have sex but that's it. He, on the other hand,
loves her. We argued amongst ourselves, I think R and S hated Summer
for leading him (Tom) on but I think she was fair enough. She told him
at the beginnig she wanted things to be casual and ok she used him but
big deal, stop being such a cry baby. And blah blah blah she marries
someone else at the end. I think my problem with the film was that it
was trying so hard to be clever that it left me underwhelmed.
Conclusion? Watch it but don't expect any miracles.
Next film was A lot like love starring Ashton kutcher and amanda peet
(her mum is called penny! ...penny peet haha). They meet and the film
them over the course of 7 years and the almost getting together and
then losing touch and then bumping into each other and the situation
or timing is never quite right blah blah blah. They do get together at
the end, yay for them. It's just a typical chick flick. I love Ashton
kutcher (cos I think he's a sexy mofo) so 5 star rating for being fit.
Same goes for amanda peet! Lol I like movies like this cos you never
have high expectations and so they don't tend to disappoint.
Conclusion? A chewing gum for the brain type movie. Watch it if it
comes on Film4!
He's just not that into you: this is the second time I've seen this
(we watched it on the plane to new york). It's difficult for me to
judge this one. I try not to watch a film if ive already seen it but
this was on a background noise while we ate our takeaway. The first
time I watched this I loved it. Mega loved it. But this time round I
found Everything majorly annoying. So to be fair I am going to review
it on my first reaction and put in those square brackets my present
feelings. I loved the characters [found everyone really annoying
especially gigi, what a stupid desperate loser], the pace of the movie
is great and I like the way the stores interlinked, great for someone
with a short attention span/ not a lot of patience [I still think
this]. Too many stuff to mention actually so I'll cut to the
conclusion: if u haven't watched this movie you should defintely watch
it. Out of the 3 this is the best all rounder and even if u don't love
it it gives you some good pointers lol ....oh I wrote this blog to
jennifer aniston cos she stars in it and he character is so sad
because he's basically playing herself and there's a scene (getting
fitted for bridemaid dresses) that makes my heart bleed for her.
Pathetic. Me and her!!!
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