Just a (hopefully) quick entry while I wait for my friends to turn up
at mine.
Was watching gossmakeupartists video on skincare and it reminded me of
how weird I find the whole "you must take all your makeup off at
night" and
I find it weird because, why wouldn't you?! Why aren't these legions
of women washing their faces?! Even if I had no makeup on I wash my
wash before I go to bed, and with make up on it's the same but takes a
bit longer. To me it's like not wiping your bum after you've done a
poo. Erwgh!
So my friends S and R were suppose to be at mine for 2pm and we're
having a get together/ kiddie birthday type thing (aka stuff our faces
with junk) but running late cos football is blocking up the roads. And
that's another reason why I like having my own place at this age. I
never had friends round at my parents house, not really because they
said no but because I am the sort of person who values her space I
didn't want my friends intruding on my parents space. So now I have a
space for people to come and that's cool. It's by no means party
central. Quite a few people have asked to come over and I've said
'no'. If I wanted u here I'd ask u. Simple as! This isn't after school
club! But anyway I love having the people I invite over cos it means
I'm never late and I don't have to get dressed! Sometimes I feel
selfish but then it's not my fault, better then hanging out on a park
bench so that we all have to travel and stuff.
I really need to clean my house. Last night I had a nightmare that my
kitchen floor was covered in giant crumbs and when I went to clean the
floor there were rats as big as cats under the crumbs and then they
tried to eat me and I stabbed them with two kitchen knives. Strangely
enough I woke up with a big scratch down my arm and leg!
Oh yeah! I moved desks at work. I'm 4 floors down from before which
4 times as much distance between my friends (...not sure if the maths/
logic is right but u get what I'm trying to say!!!)
I've moved all my work stuff and junk and everything is positioned as
it was before. Sat there Friday afternoon muttering "I like it I like
I like it here it's really good" again and again and again (with no
punctuation) until my manager told me to shut up but I didn't cos it
was another method for me to cope with the change and then he joined
in with my mad mutterings lol He wants me to get rid of the hot pink
ceramic flower pot that I keep my stationery in and so gar I've held
my ground and he's given me a Tuesday deadline for it to be gone. I
can't tell if he's serious or not. Is it against the law to have a
pink flower pot on ur desk?!
Ooooh! Party guests have arrived!
Have a lovely Saturday :)
(and wow look at me finally blogging in real time!)
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